Forum > Fabrication

Making A Maifold?


G2 Racer:
Alright so I'm a cheap ass muthafucker and I want to try my hand at making a my own turbo manifold.
I've got a 110V Mig that I can weld with and I've got some exp welding but I'm wondering if the machine will even be worth a damn for burning a manifold together.

I'll either build a ram horn of some sort or go all crazy and make a top mount, don't know yet.

If you run sch40 pieces just leave a little gap and make a couple pass's, If you seem to be getting cold lap or lack of fusion in thick areas, like on a flange, add some heat with a torch or throw it in the oven for a bit before welding.

I made my manifold with a 110v. Been holding up great aside from a couple small cracks which were easily repaired.  PM Weir and he can help you out with the parts you'll need.

just take some time with the settings and lay some practice welds down and you sjhould be able to get desirable results


Multiple passes aren't a good idea with MIG, but will work. I generally weave a bit with a thicker wire after making deep bevels when I need to weld thick material. The more molden shit you put in a seam, the hotter it tends to get.

The parts I've made in sch40 haven't cracked so far. The easiest and cheapest thing to start with is the sinktrap manifold. The stock cast 4-1 manifolds for 90-93 B18's and 88-95 non-vtec D's are great for that. After the practice you get from that, you can step up to a 4-2-1 or a log. If you have fast grinding tools, a shorty/elf manifold would be good. FYI you can always sell the manifolds for more than the cost of the fittings, how much more depends on aesthetics...


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