:::RHMT::: Real Home Made Turbo
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: crxtuner on November 07, 2009, 08:04:16 PM
Adam Carolla on the nonsense illegal marijuana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDaUpv8ktuk#normal)
its a beautiful plant
its a beautiful plant
Jamaicans know best. :noel:
Not-so-ninja-edit: And gateway drug my ass. If you're wanting to do more than weed you will, if you don't you won't.
your a fucking idiot, why do you want to allow the government to levy another tax against you.
my vote is legalize it, no taxes
add that option
your a fucking idiot, why do you want to allow the government to levy another tax against you.
my vote is legalize it, no taxes
add that option
Too bad that will never happen. If it gets legalized there will be taxes, period. It doesn't matter what anybody else cares or thinks, or bitches about. You can't get legal weed without taxes.
The city of Breckenridge, CO just voted to legalize it...
meaningless really, as it is trumped by state and federal laws.
fuck no
How is weed bad? How many people die from weed? How many people beat their family when they get high? Have ANY of you ever had to detox from weed usage? Does weed destroy your liver or cause heart disease? Have you ever bought it when you should have paid a bill? - Alcohol does
You ever stay up for a week, tweaking, on weed? Ever go rob a mother fucker for more weed money? Ever get so spun out that you are %60 of your original weight, have half your teeth, and covered in sores from where you scratch yourself to the meat? - Meth does
My personal stance on the drug thing is to do what you want. With the exception of the basterdised drugs (meth, crack, etc..), do whatever the fuck you want, IF IF IF you have the mindset and will power to do it recreationally. If you have the mindset that it will not turn into a habit, and keep that frame of mind, you can explore other ways to get high. Me, personally, I don't like weed. I like opiates. I have been doing all sorts of opiates for almost 8 years now (oxycontin, morphine, opana, methadone, suboxone, opium, etc..) and have NEVER allowed myself more than 3 consecutive days usage. I don't sell my fridge for dope money, I always pay my bills first, and only after that, if I have enough, I'll get my d.o.c. It's no different than drinking on a weekend. I never "chase that first high" or try to push the envelope to just get trashed. I'm not an addict, nor will I ever be. I haven't had anything in two weeks, and dont plan on it until next weekend.
Have you ever bought it when you should have paid a bill?
I know more than a few people who have, since it's a habit and they want it, just like their cigarettes and booze. It's just not as readily available so it's a little harder to buy on impulse I guess.
And just like Jon said, it's laughable if anyone thinks their weed should be untaxed. Weed will not be taxed after they remove all the taxes from cigarettes and alcohol, which will never happen as things sit currently.
Have you ever bought it when you should have paid a bill?
I know more than a few people who have, since it's a habit and they want it, just like their cigarettes and booze. It's just not as readily available so it's a little harder to buy on impulse I guess.
Ok, bad point, but that really depends on the person and their level of irresponsibility. But as you said, the same can be said of alcohol, ciggs, and MANY other things.
The rest of the paragraph was rather solid. It's just like the campaign against cigarettes and the hefty taxes smokers have to pay. I could smoke an entire pack of cigarettes driving around all day and be perfectly fine. Drink too many beers and its a completely different story.
I just want to know when it was in our history that marijuana became deemed "bad" yet tobacco and alcohol are perfectly acceptable...
The rest of the paragraph was rather solid. It's just like the campaign against cigarettes and the hefty taxes smokers have to pay. I could smoke an entire pack of cigarettes driving around all day and be perfectly fine. Drink too many beers and its a completely different story.
I just want to know when it was in our history that marijuana became deemed "bad" yet tobacco and alcohol are perfectly acceptable...
The governments propaganda, sir. It started in the 30's.
Reefer Madness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM_vLk1I6G4#normal)
legalize everything without a victim
legalize everything without a victim
According to the government, marijuana is not a victimless crime. The power of government propaganda, and the sheep-like willingness to accept information without proof of %90 of the U.S. citizen makes it taboo as fuck.
The rest of the paragraph was rather solid. It's just like the campaign against cigarettes and the hefty taxes smokers have to pay. I could smoke an entire pack of cigarettes driving around all day and be perfectly fine. Drink too many beers and its a completely different story.
I just want to know when it was in our history that marijuana became deemed "bad" yet tobacco and alcohol are perfectly acceptable...
Pineapple Express opening scene with item 9 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h6cQrq_PXM#normal)
The rest of the paragraph was rather solid. It's just like the campaign against cigarettes and the hefty taxes smokers have to pay. I could smoke an entire pack of cigarettes driving around all day and be perfectly fine. Drink too many beers and its a completely different story.
I just want to know when it was in our history that marijuana became deemed "bad" yet tobacco and alcohol are perfectly acceptable...
Pineapple Express opening scene with item 9 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h6cQrq_PXM#normal)
dammit you beat me to it, that is the first thing i thought of when i say the comment about the gov. in the 30's...
Legalize it!
there is no lying that marijuana is a gateway drug but maybe if its legal the people who are smoking it will stop going to the dealer who sells acid and exstacy too.
your a fucking idiot, why do you want to allow the government to levy another tax against you.
my vote is legalize it, no taxes
add that option
Some may disagree with this but it was the same deal with prohibition of alcohol.
In order to have gotten alcohol during prohibition you had to deal with a group that was willing to go to jail/be charged with criminal charges, Hence, to get alcohol you had to affiliate with criminals.
So when you legalize marijuana and create liscenses for people to sell it, you have now created the same point of sale that alcohol does. You deal with state regulated establishments, in which it is hard to get that license and easy to lose it.
This way, money is not, in some cases, distributed through criminal networks that may use that profit from marijuana to buy other drugs that are actually harmful to people.
Now if i want to over complicate my post but safeguard what i said i will leave off with this.
I do, and still know people who grow, distribute and use that money for nothing other then bills in which THIS case is not one that feeds the whole criminal network i just mentioned.
Get rid of criminal penalties, get manufactures to grow it, businesses to sell it, and states to use that money for good public works. Period.
its a beautiful plant
Jamaicans know best. :noel:
Not-so-ninja-edit: And gateway drug my ass. If you're wanting to do more than weed you will, if you don't you won't.
Alcohol is the fucking gateway drug... The powers that be can try to dress it up however they like... BUt thats the real deal...
Kind of like how assualt weapons kill soooo many fucking people. When handguns are responsible for like 90 percent of gun crime... Funny part is that people actually go for it...
legalize it and treat it like alcohol, cannot smoke it and drive, or operate heavy machinery, cannot smoke it at work. smoke in your home only.
Legalize it!
there is no lying that marijuana is a gateway drug but maybe if its legal the people who are smoking it will stop going to the dealer who sells acid and exstacy too.
I call bullshit. Only from personal experience. You can spin it anyway you want to, but the "gateway" is natural human curiosity. Your own curiosity is the gateway to you wanting to alter your mind, not a lower form of drug. It's labeled that because it's the most readily available and most socially acceptable drug. Which is why most people try it first. But I GUARANTEE you that if extasy was as readily available in all areas and cheap, and more socially acceptable, IT would be the gateway drug. Same with most other drugs, excluding shit people cook in bathtubs and shake in two liter bottles.
Corolla made a well put point about drugs. Everything in society is broken down in to the degree of the action, but as far as "drugs" go, fuck it, there ALL drugs, ZERO tolerance. You can't tell me that the consequences (self and society wise, not legally) that meth causes are the same as what weed causes. It's bullshit
Marijuana is for morons.
i like my beers better. i dont like how it makes me feel. and how are they going to know your high as a kite. they can't measure it like booze can they?
i like my beers better. i dont like how it makes me feel. and how are they going to know your high as a kite. they can't measure it like booze can they?
No, but they can still take you in for failing a field sobriety test.
Marijuana is for morons.
No, not really. Not my d.o.c. but stereotyping makes you sound ignorant
i like my beers better. i dont like how it makes me feel. and how are they going to know your high as a kite. they can't measure it like booze can they?
I have never woke up the next morning after getting stoned and thought to my self " Man I smoked way too much pot last night, I should have not drove home, I could have killed some one". I have woke up and said that about alcohol. I have never missed work the day after smoking pot. I have called out of work because I drank too much the night before. I dont get the shakes if I dont smoke pot, I do not get irrational when I smoke too much pot, and pot has never made me black out and wake up regrets that my friends had to tell me about.
Simply put if I smoke 12 blunts and drive my car, I will stop 5 feet before the stop sign, look both ways twice before I take off and drive about 5 miles an hour slower than I would if I were sober.
Marijuana is for morons.
Easy JD, While I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, I hope to not fall under the heading of a moron. :?:
i like my beers better. i dont like how it makes me feel. and how are they going to know your high as a kite. they can't measure it like booze can they?
I have never woke up the next morning after getting stoned and thought to my self " Man I smoked way too much pot last night, I should have not drove home, I could have killed some one". I have woke up and said that about alcohol. I have never missed work the day after smoking pot. I have called out of work because I drank too much the night before. I dont get the shakes if I dont smoke pot, I do not get irrational when I smoke too much pot, and pot has never made me black out and wake up regrets that my friends had to tell me about.
Simply put if I smoke 12 blunts and drive my car, I will stop 5 feet before the stop sign, look both ways twice before I take off and drive about 5 miles an hour slower than I would if I were sober.
well put sir
Marijuana is for morons.
No, not really. Not my d.o.c. but stereotyping makes you sound ignorant
This coming from the guy who had trouble finding his own avatar.
Marijuana is for morons.
No, not really. Not my d.o.c. but stereotyping makes you sound ignorant
This coming from the guy who had trouble finding his own avatar.
i had it in 5 minutes man, c'mon. It was on my old computers HD, that took a shit. I had no clue where I acquired it, and it took a minute of looking for it. If I remember, it was YOUR request I honored, seems you like my titty bouncing bitch better than I do
See how your weed smoking ways have made you argumentative and angry? I suggest you seek professional help.
Marijuana is for morons.
No, not really. Not my d.o.c. but stereotyping makes you sound ignorant
This coming from the guy who had trouble finding his own avatar.
i had it in 5 minutes man, c'mon. It was on my old computers HD, that took a shit. I had no clue where I acquired it, and it took a minute of looking for it. If I remember, it was YOUR request I honored, seems you like my titty bouncing bitch better than I do
i emeber thta
Legalize it!
there is no lying that marijuana is a gateway drug but maybe if its legal the people who are smoking it will stop going to the dealer who sells acid and exstacy too.
I call bullshit. Only from personal experience. You can spin it anyway you want to, but the "gateway" is natural human curiosity. Your own curiosity is the gateway to you wanting to alter your mind, not a lower form of drug. It's labeled that because it's the most readily available and most socially acceptable drug. Which is why most people try it first. But I GUARANTEE you that if extasy was as readily available in all areas and cheap, and more socially acceptable, IT would be the gateway drug. Same with most other drugs, excluding shit people cook in bathtubs and shake in two liter bottles.
Corolla made a well put point about drugs. Everything in society is broken down in to the degree of the action, but as far as "drugs" go, fuck it, there ALL drugs, ZERO tolerance. You can't tell me that the consequences (self and society wise, not legally) that meth causes are the same as what weed causes. It's bullshit
I know A lot of stoners. and I don't know one of them that hasn't tried something else. now a lot of them will just stick to pot after they experiment for awhile but still..
Legalize it!
there is no lying that marijuana is a gateway drug but maybe if its legal the people who are smoking it will stop going to the dealer who sells acid and exstacy too.
I call bullshit. Only from personal experience. You can spin it anyway you want to, but the "gateway" is natural human curiosity. Your own curiosity is the gateway to you wanting to alter your mind, not a lower form of drug. It's labeled that because it's the most readily available and most socially acceptable drug. Which is why most people try it first. But I GUARANTEE you that if extasy was as readily available in all areas and cheap, and more socially acceptable, IT would be the gateway drug. Same with most other drugs, excluding shit people cook in bathtubs and shake in two liter bottles.
Corolla made a well put point about drugs. Everything in society is broken down in to the degree of the action, but as far as "drugs" go, fuck it, there ALL drugs, ZERO tolerance. You can't tell me that the consequences (self and society wise, not legally) that meth causes are the same as what weed causes. It's bullshit
I know A lot of stoners. and I don't know one of them that hasn't tried something else. now a lot of them will just stick to pot after they experiment for awhile but still..
I use to smoke pot on a regular basis, never had the urge to really try anything except for shrooms. I've been offered coke, acid, research chems, and X on several occasions and never partook. To me, they really hold no interest to me. Pot has always been the drug of choice. And no, I haven't even tried shrooms although I'm not opposed to them.
Research chems? I highly doubt it. The availability of such items has gone downhill in the last decade. Fuck you, fyshstix.
Research chems? I highly doubt it. The availability of such items has gone downhill in the last decade. Fuck you, fyshstix.
Quiet down Grandpa. You have no idea what kind of shit kids can get a hold of these days. Especially when you got some very well connected friends. Also, to further validate my case, Shwagstock is about an hour away. its a hippy paradise and anything you can imagine is readily available. Oh, and fuck you too.
Research chems? I highly doubt it. The availability of such items has gone downhill in the last decade. Fuck you, fyshstix.
Quiet down Grandpa. You have no idea what kind of shit kids can get a hold of these days. Especially when you got some very well connected friends. Also, to further validate my case, Shwagstock is about an hour away. its a hippy paradise and anything you can imagine is readily available. Oh, and fuck you too.
You know less than shit about me. I have used rxn in place of reaction for the last decade of my online presence, as well as recent and not so recent mentions of the Hive. Fist yourself and what you think I know, I owned an erlenmeyer flask and a sep funnel before I owned a set of Snap-on wrenches. Fuck you more.
See how your weed smoking ways have made you argumentative and angry? I suggest you seek professional help.
I'm in no way an angry person, I'm actually very chill. And I wouldn't call it argumentative, I'd rather consider this a discussion.
I'm just stating that I don't believe that weed is a gateway to anything, it's just the most readily available, and people are naturally curious. Myself, I just happen to like pharms better, when I smoke, I get lazy and just want to sleep. The pharmaceutical opiates, on the other hand are excellent. You get a mild high, that you can fully function with. It's no problem, even with 90mg of o.c., to sober up and focus on something if you need to.
See how your weed smoking ways have made you argumentative and angry? I suggest you seek professional help.
I'm in no way an angry person
You are soooooooooo contrary, do you know that? I can feel the marijuana rage radiating off of you. There's no hiding it.
See how your weed smoking ways have made you argumentative and angry? I suggest you seek professional help.
I'm in no way an angry person
You are soooooooooo contrary, do you know that? I can feel the marijuana rage radiating off of you. There's no hiding it.
Goddamn it, I get the feeling I have been epically trolled. Good job, sir.
But on the off chance you're not, what did I say that was so contrary?
Why do you feel the need to endlessly argue with every thing I say?? Fucking junkie.
Why do you feel the need to endlessly argue with every thing I say?? Fucking junkie.
I'm not arguing, I apologize for any misunderstanding.
Now you're emotionally blackmailling me. Typical junkie behavior.
Now does everyone see what weed does? That shit is the devil.
Now you're emotionally blackmailling me. Typical junkie behavior.
Now does everyone see what weed does? That shit is the devil.
I'm sorry JD, I really am. I in no way want to make you feel bad, or emotionally blackmail you. I care about your emotional well being, really, I do. If you need a friend, I'm here for you :-*
I'm sick of enabling you and your junkie lifestyle, getting sucked into your drama, the middle of the night phone calls. I just want you to leave me alone.
I'm sick of enabling you and your junkie lifestyle, getting sucked into your drama, the middle of the night phone calls. I just want you to leave me alone.
But, but you said forever?! You've just used me for your own sick pleasure, demean me publicly, and discard me like a used condom. You son of a bitch :-[
I'm sick of enabling you and your junkie lifestyle, getting sucked into your drama, the middle of the night phone calls. I just want you to leave me alone.
Your too hard on people Joseph. He just wants one more fix. Is it that you cannot help him out, or that you will not help him out?
It is Johnny's responsibility to help him out.
$95 venice beach to get the medical mary card.. O0
Research chems? I highly doubt it. The availability of such items has gone downhill in the last decade. Fuck you, fyshstix.
Quiet down Grandpa. You have no idea what kind of shit kids can get a hold of these days. Especially when you got some very well connected friends. Also, to further validate my case, Shwagstock is about an hour away. its a hippy paradise and anything you can imagine is readily available. Oh, and fuck you too.
You know less than shit about me. I have used rxn in place of reaction for the last decade of my online presence, as well as recent and not so recent mentions of the Hive. Fist yourself and what you think I know, I owned an erlenmeyer flask and a sep funnel before I owned a set of Snap-on wrenches. Fuck you more.
Is that so, Madame Curie? Well, I dissected a frog in high school anatomy class. fuck you the most.
I use to smoke so much damn weed. Tried it again, but I don't like the state of mind it put me in. Having to call up some dude to meet you, and sweat it the whole ride home sux.
If they legalize and tax, everyone wins. You get weed that cost more, but don't have to wonder if it was packed into some mexican dudes ass for 3 days. Plus it wil surly be more potent. 'America' gets tax money, and a lot of people will get pissed off. I am happy with all of that. Kinda.
I'd just love going to the store and buying a pack of "marijuana cigarettes". how fucking cool is that?