:::RHMT::: Real Home Made Turbo
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ApexSilver06MR on December 15, 2009, 12:30:32 PM
turned 27 today, married, 4 kids
your old, ::) 23 1 kid to be married aug 25
27, engaged, 1 kid..
at least we no longer fall into the "you don't know shit, because you're still a young punk" category.
23 no kids and don't plan to have one until 3-4 years. I want to have a nice job and a house before...
You're old. :P
My brother will have his third boy this winter and he's 25 :?:
27, married, 4 kids
Bummer dude.
29, single, 0 kids... I keep telling myself I'm going to get a vasectomy. You should get one too, before you feel any older.
thats shitty.
28, married and no kids and no plans for kids. the world is over populated as it is. im not going to contribute. i also would care for my kids too much to bring them into this hell we call life
29, single, 0 kids... I keep telling myself I'm going to get a vasectomy. You should get one too, before you feel any older.
i already did
26, not married, no kids
Going on a Caribbean cruise in 3 weeks 8)
22, single, no kids; plans is not to have any until im atleast 30
On the other hand I feel like I am 80, 1 slip disc in my lower back, 1 in my neck and need knee surgery.
Feeling like im 80 at 22 FTW :'(
26, not married, no kids
Going on a Caribbean cruise in 3 weeks 8)
baller, same boat but 24 and no cruise lol
37 married for 15yrs. 4 kids. ;D
I'm already starting to make plans for when my wife and I will have all the kids out in 11 yrs. :yes:
You are only as old as you feel.
And I feel like I'm a young 37.
Besides 37 is the new 27. ;D
I'm enjoying my life a lot more then I did at 27. :?:
32, not married, 7 cars, no kids, masterbate a lot.
32, not married, 7 cars, no kids, masterbate a lot.
canadian nogs......
go buy a trick or something
27, engaged, 1 kid..
at least we no longer fall into the "you don't know shit, because you're still a young punk" category.
yup. i already catch my self shaking my fist angrily at neighborhood kids. then i go cry softly to myself.
37 married 11 years, 4 kids.
No kids
yard full of cars
2 dogs that love science diet high protein food
Getting a 3rd dog to watch the 2nd dog. Blue amstaff
Have had 3 long term relationships 4 years,2 years,2 years and told any of them if they got pregnant I would kill them.
26, married, no kids.
House, good job, yard full of cars.
I want kids before I get too old though, I dont want to be one of these fucks who are 50 years old and have kids in kindergarden. (No offense to any of you fucks who fall into this category).
BTW happy b-day Jay.
BTW happy b-day Jay.
thanks russ
HAppy birthday you fucking NIGGGGAAAAARRR
29 Divorced, two boxers,hatch,new CRV, IN DEBT from ex-wife,house, and no steady chic......as of now
But diggin out of the hole. :yes: Going to be a really fucked up holiday season for me. First time Alone :'(
Happy B-day flipnog,
29, Married no kids, no plan for kids, I like toys more then kids. Oh and we have a dog.
29 not married
1 kid (Girl) 3 yrs old
1 kid in the oven (Boy)
Same chick
I buy you egg woll when I in sacramento. I be in red crx
i dont do egg woll..
i do lumpia!
turning 25 this month, single, no kids, 1 car, 1 dog, 1 cat, 0 jobs
can't believe nobody said it but HOT WIFE
32, married
3 dogs, 2 cats
3 cars
no kids
Wait until your 37 and have no hair.
Wait until your 37 and have no hair.
my last name isnt davis!
The Davis name is not required to be 37 and bald(ing).... :?:
42, divorced, 1 kid, might soon be a grandpa.
im in the young punk catagory... 22
2 cars are care about turbo hatch and the awd galant.
a shitty rv (free)
and 2-3 shitty cars that cant see the road haha(freeish)
a cat(bitch)
a job i like a lot
and a great GF
and school debt.
nothing solid like you cats
now that i wrote that down i dont feel so good about myself haha must be the weather.. yea the weather.
The Davis name is not required to be 37 and bald(ing).... :?:
The Davis name means they couldnt think of anything else to call your ancestors at the immigration office.
24 married for 6 years 1 kid 4 years old
and 2 cars I care about my Evo 6.5 TME and my soon to be boosted 92 civic sedan
Saw macguyver on tv land made me feel old
crazy..im 28..gonna be 29 in a couple months..and i got no kids and no wife..or steady GirlFriend for that matter.. 8)
crazy..im 28..gonna be 29 in a couple months..and i got no kids and no wife..or steady GirlFriend for that matter.. 8)
not married
no kids
1 cat
2 cars
1 truck
24, 5 kids, 4 mercedes g500s, 2 wives, 15 automatic rifles, 16 bibles (a backup for everyone), cattle ranch, casino.
turned 27 today, married, 4 kids
Discuss what? That you wife is super hot and making porn eyes at me through my computer screen, made worse by the fact she doesn't know I exist? FUCK YOU!!
I'm enjoying my life a lot more then I did at 27. :?:
34 is a lot fucking better than 27. I hear you.
37 married 11 years, 4 kids.
Holy shit, the things you don't know about people you've met.
The Davis name is not required to be 37 and bald(ing).... :?:
The Davis name means they couldnt think of anything else to call your ancestors at the immigration office.
Discuss what? That you wife is super hot and making porn eyes at me through my computer screen, made worse by the fact she doesn't know I exist? FUCK YOU!!
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Discuss what? That you wife is super hot and making porn eyes at me through my computer screen, made worse by the fact she doesn't know I exist? FUCK YOU!!
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
You should see the racy photos in the Blackberry beachhouse & on his facebook.
But have you seen Murdocs wife? She is also hot
29, wife, 2 kids, 2 dumb fuck dogs, 2 cars, zillions of turbochargers, 6 posts, and no muther fuckin J-O-B
Discuss what? That you wife is super hot and making porn eyes at me through my computer screen, made worse by the fact she doesn't know I exist? FUCK YOU!!
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
You should see the racy photos in the Blackberry beachhouse & on his facebook.
But have you seen Murdocs wife? She is also hot
What??? I feel insulted! Even Stealthmode has shared (fully clothed) pictured of his wife with me.
Discuss what? That you wife is super hot and making porn eyes at me through my computer screen, made worse by the fact she doesn't know I exist? FUCK YOU!!
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
You should see the racy photos in the Blackberry beachhouse & on his facebook.
But have you seen Murdocs wife? She is also hot
What??? I feel insulted! Even Stealthmode has shared (fully clothed) pictured of his wife with me.
Wifemode is hot to.
No kids
No girlfriend
No job
No money
But hey, I got a sweet truck and 2 CRXs Si's right? Hell, one is even a 1st gen.
Yeah, thats something to be proud of.
Just me guess, you have a Straman CRX Convertible?
37 married 11 years, 4 kids.
Holy shit, the things you don't know about people you've met.
The half grey goatee didn't tip you off? lol
Oh I left off, 2 trucks, 2 vans, 1 car that is in a perpetual project state.
I know about your filthy Dodge fetish.
I know about your filthy Dodge fetish.
I guess you could call it a mitsufeces fetish.
it's a 6g72 SOHC
26 married, 2 kids both girls, house 20 minutes from the beach in FL, good job, 3 fucking dogs that I can't stand, 3 cars
29 (ill be 30 in 3 1/2 weeks :noel:)
Crx of 7 years (2nd one Ive owned, first was in 98)
wife of 3 years
dog of 5 years
House of 6 years (putting up for sale in spring in hopes to sell it and start building a New one)
Bitches I'm getting old, Just one year closer to social security. ::) LOL
Ill be doing dirty 3rds when I'm 80!! FTMFW!!
no kids
two dogs
1 cat
1 1g CRX Si, one 4g Hatch, one Del Sol OCZC
I make noises when I lay down now. Fuck I feel old.
last kid just moved out
2 pitts, Daisy and Bugsy
2 pythons, Fred and Maryanne
3 hondas
Just me guess, you have a Straman CRX Convertible?
Close... '86 Si
I know about your filthy Dodge fetish.
I guess you could call it a mitsufeces fetish.
it's a 6g72 SOHC
if you could ignore the fact that you know how to read for a second.
DODGE is an anagram for P.O.M.F.S.
this is why hurdling them though space, and not really caring were they land, dosnt bother me.
Joseph the Eraserhead or why Joseph has no hair.
'Tis ok. When finished I'll love surprising people in my P.O.M.F.S.
HB bro ;)
thick mustache.
thick, bronze rimmed glasses to support my eyesight that's faded from years of exposure to factory work, teeth that show the stains of a quarter life long diet consisting of nothing more than coffee and cigarettes during never ending, hard shifts on the road.
an ex-wife who lives in Alabama in a commune who became and ex after I discovered her years of heavy drug use and neglect for my children while I was on the road.
an apartment in a desolate town in Indiana where I've finally decided to settle for the lessened load on my financial situation due to the weak local economy.
3 children who all use me extensively and manage to burn every last penny of the remaining balance of my retirement fund, 1 1992 Ford Aspire that I use to commute to and fro doing odd jobs on the local level since I'm no longer physically strong enough to do the work I could do in my twenties.
1 aging iguana to whom I relate entirely.
thick mustache.
thick, bronze rimmed glasses to support my eyesight that's faded from years of exposure to factory work, teeth that show the stains of a quarter life long diet consisting of nothing more than coffee and cigarettes during never ending, hard shifts on the road.
an ex-wife who lives in Alabama in a commune who became and ex after I discovered her years of heavy drug use and neglect for my children while I was on the road.
an apartment in a desolate town in Indiana where I've finally decided to settle for the lessened load on my financial situation due to the weak local economy.
3 children who all use me extensively and manage to burn every last penny of the remaining balance of my retirement fund, 1 1992 Ford Aspire that I use to commute to and fro doing odd jobs on the local level since I'm no longer physically strong enough to do the work I could do in my twenties.
1 aging iguana to whom I relate entirely.
Something you wanna talk about, Caleb?
25 single happy,
5 cars
1 truck
3 girls this week
congrats on the family, looks like you have done well
3 cars
no kids
Hey me too!
I don't want to have kids until I'm finacially stable enough to tell them to get a job. :mexi:
i feel old as fuck to turned 27 in nov . married 1 kid n a mortgage..
I live in a van
I play punk rock
I like dumpster diving
im drunk bangiNg My girl BIRCHES
no kids i know of
2 year relationship wit this chick
shit job
and a shit load of stress
Sir can you go to the dollar store for me?
Yes sir thank you sir
Just me guess, you have a Straman CRX Convertible?
yer GAY????. good thing you told us all this news.
married 3 yrs
one 4 month old boy
one french bulldog.
one AE86 turbo (maybe a te72 wagon soon)
one honda civic GX (natural gas boyeeeeeee... .93 censt a gallon)
and a box full of montana paint for sale.
I live in a van
I play punk rock
I like dumpster diving
liven the muther fuckin dream !
one honda civic GX (natural gas boyeeeeeee... .93 censt a gallon)
Give me that cylinder head, motherfucker. I'll stab you.