:::RHMT::: Real Home Made Turbo
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: 2BG4HNDA on December 17, 2009, 02:05:37 PM
K, so i was not around for like a year or maybe two, i come back and there is another hmt? And the name here has changed to Real hmt? This is still Jeff's house right? And where the shit is the porn forum? And why is my name gone? Had to reregister using the same name....so confused.....this blows, i was around when hotrex was banned...come to think about it that was always happening....im assuming he is still fat and lives in Grandma's basement? None of you have any idea what im talking about do you.....fuck me....
This is RHMT Nigger
This is RHMT Nigger
Did you just call me a nigger?
This is RHMT Nigger
Did you just call me a nigger?
Sir, you must have misread him. We only do that in the FS forum.
http://www.realhomemadeturbo.com/forum/index.php?topic=177.0 (http://www.realhomemadeturbo.com/forum/index.php?topic=177.0)
Jeff sold HMT to Xenocron, Xeno got AIDS and sold the site to "RickP" but it turns out that RickP is AIDS. So everyone worth a shit came over here and got this going for the real O0. Now you should post up some porn and a proper intro (you should remember how to do that). Then after 50 posts you get the good stuff.
.....great, been here since forever and im a newb all over again....
No you havent. This site isnt even a year old. If you really were from ohmt back in the day, you know what you have to do.
U talk too much post porn Noob
U talk too much post porn Noob
+ 1
U talk too much post porn Noob
+ 1
OGHMT porn, www.tubgirl.ca (http://) , dare ya fuker.....
old as shit aint fallin for that twice
Lol it has tubgirl in the address. Good try newb.
Lol it has tubgirl in the address. Good pathetic try newb.
Jeff sold HMT to Xenocron, Xeno got AIDS and sold the site to "RickP" but it turns out that RickP is AIDS. So everyone worth a shit came over here and got this going for the real O0. Now you should post up some porn and a proper intro (you should remember how to do that). Then after 50 posts you get the good stuff.
So i need to be a post whore for 50 and im golden.....great, been here since forever and im a newb all over again....i rarely post cause i rarely have anything intelligent to say, and without hotrex to call names and shit i got nothin....sad really
Sir, look at my post count. You generating 50 useless, porn-filled posts should be nothing by comparison.
Not porn....but great thread anyway...
http://www.bangshift.com/forum/index.php?topic=532.0;topicseen (http://www.bangshift.com/forum/index.php?topic=532.0;topicseen)
You do realize that the push for a porn post as your noob post is like a 04-05 thing right?
IIRC all that came about after like 04, not that it wasn't around before but was pushed more during those times.
I don't think Traceminster or Holly had porn in their noob posts. but im from 05 or so so i couldn't tell you for certain. i think i started lurking like Xmas of 04 or so. I remember when there was talk about starting CC fab which i think was like 05 right?
in fact i remember the poll where someone bet money that corey was going to get fucked. lol before Kyle was in jail, before Mycrx came back and got banned again and before Mike94se signed up and got banned for being a flaming racist. lol.
poop on your noob thread
damn well if you are 05 then yeah you should know lol.. i was 05 and mine contained porn.
and i dont know nuthin bout nuthin and i knew that.
I don't give a fuck if you joined HMT the same afternoon as Jeff Frank. This is REALhomemadeturbo.com, it isn't HMT. This is a completely new website to you, so you sir are NEW. Now post porn, noob. Make it snappy.
WTF is with all the members from "way back in day of HMT" trying to get out of their RHMT noob duties? Its fucking bullshit, thats what it is.
I don't give a fuck if you joined HMT the same afternoon as Jeff Frank. This is REALhomemadeturbo.com, it isn't HMT. This is a completely new website to you, so you sir are NEW. Now post porn, noob. Make it snappy.
WTF is with all the members from "way back in day of HMT" trying to get out of their RHMT noob duties? Its fucking bullshit, thats what it is.
Did you just call me a nigger?
Jeff sold HMT to Xenocron, Xeno got AIDS and sold the site to "RickP" but it turns out that RickP is AIDS. So everyone worth a shit came over here and got this going for the real O0. Now you should post up some porn and a proper intro (you should remember how to do that). Then after 50 posts you get the good stuff.
So i need to be a post whore for 50 and im golden.....great, been here since forever and im a newb all over again....i rarely post cause i rarely have anything intelligent to say, and without hotrex to call names and shit i got nothin....sad really
Sir, look at my post count. I am a hacker by comparison.
Post pron, verify identity, and a mod may raise your count for you. Hotrex is back on the board, sold his GSR, and now "liviing the dream" with a Issuzu Samarai or something.
Come to think of it, I can't recall any porn I've posted. I'll try to lead by example - no gay porn.
God I love skinny girls (http://www.unclewoodies.com/galleries/march2008/26/monica/index1.htm)
I hope they all post well. No hardcore since rhmt hates the penis.
Jeff sold HMT to Xenocron, Xeno got AIDS and sold the site to "RickP" but it turns out that RickP is AIDS. So everyone worth a shit came over here and got this going for the real O0. Now you should post up some porn and a proper intro (you should remember how to do that). Then after 50 posts you get the good stuff.
So i need to be a post whore for 50 and im golden.....great, been here since forever and im a newb all over again....i rarely post cause i rarely have anything intelligent to say, and without hotrex to call names and shit i got nothin....sad really
Sir, look at my post count. I am a hacker by comparison.
Post pron, verify identity, and a mod may raise your count for you. Hotrex is back on the board, sold his GSR, and now "liviing the dream" with a Issuzu Samarai or something.
Come to think of it, I can't recall any porn I've posted. I'll try to lead by example - no gay porn.
God I love skinny girls (http://www.unclewoodies.com/galleries/march2008/26/monica/index1.htm)
I hope they all post well. No hardcore since rhmt hates the penis.
How to verify ID?, i remember when Buk joined up, think he was roCkin a silver Monte or some shit like that? He still around
or did he finally blow himself up making bombs in his parents basement?
Hotrex still got herpes?
Can't do porn at work, none here, won't get fired for it....puter at home is blowed up.....so there it is...
turkey dinner pics sir you have 12 hours.
turkey dinner pics sir you have 12 hours.
lol chris he isn't up to speed on a turkey dinner yet.
I was wondering about this too. Good to know. But im not going to be an asshole and post whore to get to 50.
who is oczc? Final test sir
who is oczc? Final test sir
OCZC is a master fabricator. Also Vadim is a bitch that cant wait for quality parts and crys to much. I love Orange Chicken!
How many HP his D series has?
i forget but he runs 10s with his homemade setup
i forget but he runs 10s with his homemade setup
i forget but he runs 10s with his homemade setup
i know its wrong. I just dont remember. My memory sucks. I was an OG on old HMT and a lurker. Hell I bought a car off the old site.
35 to go, will ballons fall from the heavens and girls with giant rack's start showing up everywhere when i hit 50?
i forget but he runs 10s with his homemade setup
i know its wrong. I just dont remember. My memory sucks. I was an OG on old HMT and a lurker. Hell I bought a car off the old site.
Weren't you the goober ass who got scammed by ZexCool and then let it go?
i dont know. I got scammed by some mother fucker for a fucking starter. He sent me mounts by mistake and being the good guy that i am, I sent them back. I should have kept those fuckers. The guy refunded my money after 2 months.
i dont know. I got scammed by some mother fucker for a fucking starter. He sent me mounts by mistake and being the good guy that i am, I sent them back. I should have kept those fuckers. The guy refunded my money after 2 months.
Yep that was you
how much powerz did oczc make?
what is the new style of exhaust that dr. d series has created for ghetto d's?
Who is flip nog?
35 to go, will ballons fall from the heavens and girls with giant rack's start showing up everywhere when i hit 50?
Your math sucks
I cant remember damn it. I remember all those names but cant match them up. One too many concussions.
I cant remember damn it. I remember all those names but cant match them up. One too many concussions.
You play for the Detroit lions?
HAHAH no. I ride a bmx bike and crash alot. Last time i wrecked i had a mild concussion and ending up also getting 6 stiches in my left hand.
Woah Woah Woah... Something isn't adding up. 2BG4HNDA first says he can't post porn from his work computer, can't post it from the broken computer at home... YET, he's trying to post whore specifically to gain access to the porn section? Won't browsing porn at work just as easily get you fired as posting it? WTF. Fucking post some porn, you henrying ASSFUCK.
I already don't like this faggot.
Words. This thread is full of porn and he said he can't do porn at work, but he's at work. Make no sens...
Noob post requirements have always been the same. Porn/cars/etc. If you dont know this, regardless of how long you were at ohmt, you dont need to be here.
Woah Woah Woah... Something isn't adding up. 2BG4HNDA first says he can't post porn from his work computer, can't post it from the broken computer at home... YET, he's trying to post whore specifically to gain access to the porn section? Won't browsing porn at work just as easily get you fired as posting it? WTF. Fucking post some porn, you henrying ASSFUCK.
I already don't like this faggot.
this thread blows like the 2 noobs trying to gain access to the porn section!!! the porn section isnt that great just go to redtube motherless or porn hub DUH!! there are plenty of build threads that should float your boats also if need be you can find numerous threads that will show you how to make a noob thread..now quit being fuking FAGGOTS and make a noob thread CAR/PORN/pics of mom or sister
this thread blows like the 2 noobs trying to gain access to the porn section!!! the porn section isnt that great just go to redtube motherless or porn hub DUH!! there are plenty of build threads that should float your boats also if need be you can find numerous threads that will show you how to make a noob thread..now quit being fuking FAGGOTS and make a noob thread CAR/PORN/pics of mom or sister
35 to go, will ballons fall from the heavens and girls with giant rack's start showing up everywhere when i hit 50?
Nope when you hit 50 you get banned. keep posting sir
I remember the screen name Gold DA9 tho
I canhazbanzor button with permission to ban this faggot and 4others??? No widebody ban either.
2BG4HNDA is old school, I remember him well. I say we cut him slack, give him to the end of the weekend to find a computer he can post porn from. All the "I was there" faggots no one remembers should get the zero tolerance treatment.
I remember the screen name Gold DA9 tho
Yeah, his name is Zack. Your point?
Jeff sold HMT to Xenocron, Xeno got AIDS and sold the site to "RickP" but it turns out that RickP is AIDS. So everyone worth a shit came over here and got this going for the real O0. Now you should post up some porn and a proper intro (you should remember how to do that). Then after 50 posts you get the good stuff.
So i need to be a post whore for 50 and im golden.....great, been here since forever and im a newb all over again....i rarely post cause i rarely have anything intelligent to say, and without hotrex to call names and shit i got nothin....sad really
Sir, look at my post count. You generating 50 useless, porn-filled posts should be nothing by comparison.
2BG4HNDA is old school, I remember him well. I say we cut him slack, give him to the end of the weekend to find a computer he can post porn from. All the "I was there" faggots no one remembers should get the zero tolerance treatment.
I remember the screen name Gold DA9 tho
Yeah, his name is Zack. Your point?
My point is that he's not a regular n00b oldfagobaldintellectualbeing man. ok?
Words. This thread is full of porn and he said he can't do porn at work, but he's at work. Make no sens...
Runninfg across porn while on a forum is one thing, looking for it and taking the time to figure out how to post it while at work is another. I don't give a fuck to be honest with you. I was just fukin around, im old as shit and married forever so watching porn on a puter isn't the highlight of my day. I was just suprised to see it gone causr i had forgoten or never knew the "50 post rule". For the most part i just came back to see who's still around and see what's changed. Not much clearly. Still lot's of little gangsta newbs who think they know everything and run the show. Cute really.
Now im off to the parts for sale section. Need a giant FMIC and assorted crap.
yeah this is like the 3rd dude that may get banned over "not posting porn" that's probably been on the old site longer than some fuckers here who are hollering about it.
just sayin. i get teh whole evolution thing and all its not had to grasp but just odd to see people who i thought were more OG than me (cause im sorta not) get shit handed to em from people who have been around since 07.
Not saying they should be excused or anything, just saying i remember a time when tech was ok. not just porn.
Don't worry, the staff knows who's OG and who is a noob fuckstick. But clearly you came here looking for porn, otherwise you would not have made a big deal about it. So contribute. The old site is dead, so help to grow this one.
has only seen this video? All im gonna say is Pop rocks and soda.
http://www.empflix.com/view.php?id=71339 (http://www.empflix.com/view.php?id=71339)
My car is riced out right now and im in the process of de-ricing it. Current setup is a JDM GSR swap with a JRSC. Looking to sell the SC over the winter to piece together a turbo kit. Oh yellow its yellow.
Just wanted to note I have the most posts with DD boobs and up.