1: decide that you want cake for supper
2: go to grocery store
3: go to cake area and pick out one that looks delicious (I got 8 layer lemon cake with buttercream frosting)
4: purchase cake and go home
5: destroy plastic lid thingy while struggling to get the cake open
6: start eating cake for supper
7: when wife looks at you like you are retarded and asks why you are eating cake for supper get defensive and yell "fuck you fatty, you don't get any" while ignoring the fact that she weighs 115 pounds and you are the one trying to eat a whole cake for supper
8: watch wife storm out of the room
9: feel bad
10: take another bite of cake and feel better
11: finish cake
12: wash down cake with a nice cold beer
13: go sit on the couch next to upset wife and change the channel to something you want to watch instead of that TLC bullshit that she is watching
14: don't talk to wife for hours
15: apologize 10 minutes before going to bed
16: get angry make-up sex