OK, I used to be decent at this shit, but it's been 12-14 years. Help me logic this out.
Background: A friend buys an EG sedan with an LS swap, buys all the (used) pieces to put AC on it, evacs the system and charges it. It's never worked right. 21-23 ounce system, he probably put 24 or a little less in. Not sure if any oil was introduced to the system.
- 85 degrees ambient, at idle low side pressures never go below 55, high side slowly climb to 375 where the safety switch cuts the compressor off, takes maybe 30 seconds to do this. If the engine is revved, high side pressures come all the way up to cut off in ~2 seconds.
- The vent does blow cool/cold when the compressor is operating.
- Compressor discharge line to condenser is hot, condenser exit line into filter drier is hot, filter drier line to THX is hot. Evaporator is obviously cool/cold, and suction line going from evaporator to compressor is cool at best.
- Turn the engine off and 10-15 minutes later they system pressure still hasn't equalized. ~30 psi difference. It's been a decade, but I think it's supposed to be equalized a lot quicker?
- Condenser fan is an aftermarket push type which doesn't push a lot and I think is inadequate, but should be fine - at least for longer than 30 seconds.
I'm leaning towards a stuck partially open THX with a side of put an OEM condenser fan on the damn car.