how much money do you make?
yeah shut the fuck up nobody cares. Deal with it on the way to the bank to cash your $4000 bi-weekly paycheck
and go collect your tax free gas/cigs and whatever else you savages claim to have. want the shirt off my back too? funny how all i see is white guys working in the patch, no spics/gooks or niggers. lol let me guess, no work ethic you spineless fucks
ps, i started an apprenticeship this week as a plumber
For the record I figured out the Scooby Doo thing and had thought you were making a joke about it relating to your rig pig job.
AND IF I COULD get a job in the oil patch I would, but I can't get hired because apparently indians have a bad rep and they have been generalized into one group, thus I cant get hired.
AND I will collect my taxless gas when i go to reserve land. NIGGA