Yeah, well their new

Family is fine. We have a new little one running around. Hes 15 months now and he runs the fuck out of me.
Restaurant? No not here in Cali. We need another Mexican restaurant as bad as we need more Mexican's

I had major surgery to repair a Hiatal Hernia and severe erosive esophagitus in Aug. of last year. I had a Lap Nissen Fundoplication done Normal side affects are that I cant throw up, burp, and had to changed my diet dramatically. I have lost 35 pounds. I'm down to 185 now...not fun, and I'm still having complications.
Been on disability from April of last year until last month and now there is no work for me to go back to so I just applied for unemployment.
On a good not though I get to spend time with my son, which he loves, and I just had a phone interview for a Construction Manager position with the company my wife works for.
Other than that, life is great...

... ;D ;D