Cliffs for Jorsher (everyone else can get fucked):
- Chinamen kill themselves because life in china fucking sucks.
- Liberal news media blames Foxconn who makes iPhones and shit for crApple, because nobody's ever died aywhere else in china, ever.
- Foxconn says they'll increase pay the 800K chinamen they employ by 20% within the month, then they say 30%, then they say 70% to make everyone happy.
- Foxconn plans to buy more robotic assembly lines in Tiawan, and employ less people more cheaply in Thailand, leaving the 400K chinamen they employ jobless.
- Chinamen continue to kill themselves because life in china sucks, liberal news media ignores it because it's last week's news and not sexy. It wasn't sexy in the first place which is why most of you can't be bothered to read these cliffs.
Bottom line: Obama thinks uneducated manual laborers in other countries deserve more money for doing jobs monkeys can do, so now prices on laptops and smart phones and everything in Walmart will go up in price. Hurry up and buy this shit while it's still cheap.