So I do have a 6 bolt... score!
So I decided on getting the small 16g. Its actually in great condition.
Install process:
Got all the bolts off the o2 housing minus the one behind the o2 sensor, so off came the manifold.
And the bitch bolt
It was such a PITA that this is what bent....
Yes your reading that right... its a BENT MAC wrench!
So I bought some PB Blaster, and off it came. And what did I find? A broken wastegate tophat! What the fuck has my cousin done to this car?
All done:
Lower IC piping on.. ran into this little problem... already ordered a 180 silicon coupler and some t bolts
Decided to install this little gem
And I got the slim fan wired in and mounted
That is all the updates I have for now. I will keep you guys posted.