For those who love to ogle the numbers. Here are some updated totals from the past month:
Electrical: $4655 (includes materials)
Contractors: $6395 (includes some materials)
Permits $1077
Engineering: $1800
Shop Labor $2650
Rental Expense: $842
Data/Comm: $1460
Bldg Materials: $1104
Flooring $5240
Furniture $2200
Fire door $1200
Dump Runs $630
$29253 for March
Predicted expenses for April/May:
Electrical 480V 3PH Install: $18.5k
Door Cut outs $2k
Steel Framing for Exterior Doors $1k
Engineered Wall to abutt the rear wall (seismic requirement) $1200
2 Roll up Doors $10k
Office floor Install $2.5k
Addtl Office Furniture (4 wrk stations): $5k
Addtl Office Computers $5k
Contractors: $8k (w/ materials)
Our Labor $5k
$56.2k for April