I would buy an innovate but the god damned things are so twitchy. One day it works, one day it's fucked. What about the JAW unit? The plx unit seems nice.
So if im using this sensor with megasquirt what would I use when configurating since its not in the list? Is a linear wb from company A producing the same voltage output 0-5v for a given afr, is that the same as the same afr and voltage for company B? So if i get a PLX would i just set for instance innovate LC1 would use the same settings as a PLX-SM-AFR
#group LAMBDA_SENSOR "MS-I Lambda Sensor Type"
00048 #unset NARROW_BAND_EGO "Narrowband Sensor"
00049 #unset WB_1_0_LINEAR "Wideband in NB Emulator Mode, 0-1v 1.5-0.5 Lambda"
00050 #unset AEM_LINEAR "AEM Gauge AEM-30-42xx"
00051 #unset AEM_NON_LINEAR "AEM UEGO Controller AEM-30-230x"
00052 #unset DIYWB_NON_LINEAR "DIY-WB or Tech Edge non-linear output"
00053 #unset DYNOJET_LINEAR "DynoJet Wideband Commander"
00054 # set TECHEDGE_LINEAR "Tech Edge sensor giving 0-5V 9-19:1 AFR"
00055 #unset INNOVATE_1_2_LINEAR "Innovate sensor giving 1-2V 10-20:1 AFR"
00056 #unset INNOVATE_0_5_LINEAR "Innovate, PLX 0-5V 10-20:1 AFR"
00057 #unset INNOVATE_LC1_DEFAULT "Innovate LC-1 default, 0-5v = 0.5-1.5 lambda"
00058 #unset ZEITRONIX_NON_LINEAR "Zeitronix Non-linear WB"
00059 #unset WB_UNKNOWN "Wideband sensor but none of the above types"
00060 #endgroup