got the carbs in the mail today, and my buddy finished up powder coating the intake so i made a little progress.
new megaphone/log style header is all welded up, painted with high temp black, and wrapped in header wrap. Forgot to take pics while building it, but im happy with how it turned out.

got a buddy to machine me a steel oil galley plug with the metric male threads and an 1/8" pipe thread tapped into it. Much stronger than drilling/tapping the hollow aluminum plug. The T fitting feeds the turbo oil inlet and an oil psi gauge.

Intake is powdered high temp black and bolted up to the cylinder head.

new carb: gotta make a couple slight mods but it should work out well. 40mm flatslide mikuni, with plenty of main jets/ pilots/needles available thanks to the snowmobile world.

got a few more things to give some attention to, and i'll be pretty close to seeing if it will run.