Honestly it's more correct than the term "African American."
No shit. I don't say I'm European American, and my ancestors came to america AFTER most of those niglets. The only reason it causes an uproar is because they're whiney bitches. The scientific name is actually negroid, when refering to people originating from mid-south africa.
Wellfare recipiant is far more accurate. Based on percentages, "negros" are 4x more likely to collect welfare than white people, and more than any other minority. IIRC it was 31% of welfare is collected by blacks, and they only make up ~16% of our population. Otherwise call them prison bitches, nearly 1 in every 10 black man is in prison (68% of the prison population!).
Why are Black People tall?
Because they're Knee Grows
You were waiting to say...that?