They lost friends who were too immature to get real jobs so they signed up to kill people for money And be shot at for rich people. Hurr durr I want a new car better sign up for my gubberment job and go shoot people to obtain meaningless objects.
Its a major bummer that those poor bastards protect worthless pieces of shit like you.
To be fair, most of them are there for a paycheck. Some believe they're doing a good thing for the world, and I commend their good intentions.
LOL at how bent out of shape you all are getting. If you want to piss on corpses, go ahead. It doesn't bother me whether they do or don't get a punishment, but I still think it's lame to piss on dead people, unless that's the new cool thing to do, and recording it proves they're stupid as fuck. Stupid people do stupid things.
However, I have no qualms with supporting The Machine with my compootur skillz.