Short story: I'm moving it Iceland next year (back to the homeland) but that leaves me short on a few things. Moving back wasn't suppose to happen till late next year/early the year after. Plans change. During all my tying of loose ends and reducing my shit to ship-able amounts, I'm in need of a few things that require more time. One of these is getting a gun. Or two
I need to get a rifle and possibly shotgun shipped to me. The issue: I need left handed and sent to Iceland.
Why? Because as strict as gun laws are in Iceland I'm ok with them. I'm not ok with the price of buying said gun in Iceland. Think of it like this: $120 regular 12guage in walmart = $320 gun in Iceland.
Gun laws there are strict but very simple. All I'm looking for is a nog to ship me a gun either in peices or in a manner that allows me to skirt by customs. No no no this isn't illegal for YOU. Maybe for me but they gotta prove it. Besides they dont care. Customs just wants money.
So, I got any nogs out there willing to ship shit in pieces and/or a manner to benefit us both and get you a little beer/pot money?