An emulator version of NisTune costs $600, which supports single or dual Ostriches (most Nissan use dual chips/emulators). The logging package is excellent.
The $480 solution you're looking at is a NisTune real time flashable daughterboard, does NOT support Ostriches, and only lets you open ~6 different ECU profiles before locking. They work pretty well, but it's not perfectly seamless like an Ostrich - you get hiccoughs and the car might stall if you're not on the throttle.
You need daughterboards for most Nissan ECUs... and boys, it's getting wierd to get them as lots of places only want to sell them as a $250-300 "ROM tune" scenario, which makes the NisTune flashable boards kinda popular. Blundell has some S13/S14 boards in the works that are intended to be marketed through Moates, but he's torn nine different directions so it's a hurry up and wait proposition.