Your woman is the weird one.
Best advice i can give you is never settle for a woman that isn't perfect for you.
If you got married, i'm sorry.
If you have kids and aren't married pay child support and go shopping for a new best friend who lets you inside their piss flaps.
If you depend on her for room, board and transportation, step your fucking game up.
If you are with her because she's smoking hot, take it from personal experience that looks aren't everything.
When i was dating girls if they didn't like porn or masturbate i would call that a red flag based on ALL the girls i've been with that didn't being fucking crazy. There's some deep seeded shit going on or a chemical imbalance in either case i would use caution buddy.....
Lol. Bitch calls me weird for masturbating and i'm going to shit on her face while she sleeps.
Edit: I had a girl i was dating/living with get MAD at me for jacking off to porn while she was in the shower. Funny because she would get off going to see other men. Had some deep seeded trust issues and constantly called me a liar and a cheater because i have some hot female friends i talk to on the reg. Insecurityyyyyyyyy. SHe was probably the worst of it. One girl was all churchy and shit and thought fapping was weird but would take my dick out of wedlock all day. Idk man. They're all fucking different. Good luck trying to figure it out.