The only colors worn by eastbay nogs are the silver and black son.... FUCK THE AS.... but fuck the Niners too....
SF GIANTS BABY BABY Football??? Gotta go with the Raiders though... Born and rasied in the 415... I got to pick who the fuck I wanted :O)
Going through Hunters point to the SF games when they were at Candlestick coule be pretty interesting to say the least back in the days as well... I was at Willy Mccoveys last game and shit. Dad used to always take me out of school to go to the Giants' games and shit when I was a kid. Fuck I played Little league and Babe ruth with Barry bonds' little brother Bobby for years, partierd balls with that kid. Bobby was jjust as good as Barry, just couldnt sdtay out of trouble....
Cool ass motherfucker though. Good friend
But there is NOTHING... absolutely NOTHING like a 5 mile radius around the colliseum on any given day the Raiders are playing... Even though they suck ass now...
Oaktown fans are off the hook son. ALways have been.