everyplace online sells 2" 90 degree silicone couplers for 16 bucks. fuck that. plus what i need is a set of 90s in series. so i decided to make some. after i had already 'made' this one, i started having better ideas, so this basically was a good learning process.
went to harbor freight and picked up some self-fusing silicone tape on sale foe 1.17 each. its rated up to 500 degrees.
got some plastic bags to make a mold from.
this is what i want to make from silicone
making the mold,. this is about the time i realized i should have got some foam rings from walmart. fuck it, keep going
finished the bitch up with a scrap of silicone coupler on one end and coated with wax for easy removal.
i fucked up and some how erased all the pics of winding this bitch up. but i laied down 3 rolls, and ended up warping half to tight, so it was like 1.5 inch inside diameter. i trimmed it down and jammed the pink 90 into the thing. wrapped the silicone part in a few coils made of a wire coat hanger. then laied down the other rolls of silicone over it.
pulled the plug
fit like a charm.
not bad for 20 mins of work, and if i had got the foam rings i could have had perfectly round tubes. i will redo this one day, and i might just do all the charge pipe in silicone with either metal coils like this one, or do the core of the coupler with liquid silicone and fiberglass tape.
here is the extra that i fucked up.