that one looks great, looks like a water cooled torch too. just make sure its not so old that it has selenium rectifiers, they look like this: machine dosent look old enough for seleniums, but its good to check. when they go bad you cant get replacements, silicon rectifiers will never go bad unless the machine was abused some how. i think there was a guy on the hobart forums who replaced his bad selenium rectifiers with silicon rectifiers. any how, if there bad you cant get a "drop in" replacement.
even if it dose have selenium rectifiers, dont rule it out, it dosnt mean there bad, just make sure to test the machine before you hand over the money.
most hf problems with older machines are spark gap related and can fixed without to much trouble. i had to clean and reset the gap on mine before it would work at all. the guy i bought it from didnt even know that the machine had a hf gap!