cause you are a nigger with a peanut sized brain that can't think on his own.
just gotta post the same pic over and over
What a piece of white trash. The term nigger is tossed around a lot here but quite honestly i find it sad thta just cause you know adams mixed that qualifies him as a nigger. so lets do some quick dollar store math.
we know you dont have a job.
we know you're wife used to be an almost whore.
we know you got a kid.
we know you STILL go surfing instead of getting a fucking job.
Yeah id say you are definitely 10 times the nigger than anyone on this board. Its in the math.
I mean i think everyone can agree that niggers reproduce without any responsibility to take care of what they create. that's you. Dudes rub nut all over your wife's BBQ Beef hotpocket and you take the money to feed your kid and surf. all the while randomly talking shit on the instabeams and calling people names based SOLELY on what you've been told they look like.
You're fat ass aint fucking no one up mike.

Jesus dude. switch to lean pockets.