's a link to a horsepower review, its a powder
i like it because it has zero caffeine or sugar, both substances i do not like, its also well balanced. It uses Kre-Akalyn which dosent bloat you like mono-hydrate.
Caffeine also limits your creatine absorption, so it works against you
Ive cycled mono off and on before it really works for me, if you take alot really drink alot tho. i used Armageddon as a post workout and i am partial towards muscle milk for a protein because of its high vitamin content.
i haven't used anything in about a year now, but i did experience much quicker gain when on creatine / horsepower / Armageddon combo, however im past pumping my body full of stuff now.
to each his own.. on these products some people don't respond well to them, or don't respond to creatine. One thing i would say is be hydrated and make sure your eating and living healthily, i wouldn't load my liver up with this stuff and then drink a case on saturday night, thats just me tho.