So last weekend I hosted my very first barbecue. Im a cheap bitch so I did it all in real homemadeturbo style. The point of this get together with friends was for general fucking around, getting a bunch of people baked, and show off my grilling skills! (Apparently people in these parts think an Icelander cant grill
). 15 person shebang and enough food to fill everyone!
Built the grill/fire pit stolen from cinder blocks neighbors yard and the racks from my broken oven
Cooked up the following: 2 dozen wings, between 6-10lbs of steak (i lost track), 2 full racks of spare ribs, dozen hotdogs and various side items (corn on cob, baked potato etc).
I marinated the steaks and ribs for a full day and a half in my own marinate
Ribs main flavor besides all the spices and soysauce was brown sugar (shit was banging!) while the steaks with their soysauce and spices had the main ingredient of KEYSTONE(light)! Then the chicken and ribs were sauced up while cooking with keystone mixed into hickory sauce
I only have a few pictures since well, we were all stoned so lots of picture taking fell off the wayside
I dropped my baster/brush in the sand so I just cut up a rag and used it instead. worked great actually
The only pic of the grill setup in my tiny ass backyard(Dont mind the chicken on the blocks. they were ruined (burned) while I was busy hitting a fresh bowl.) Oh and my poker is a jack handle
Im the faggot in yellow
rhmt bong in all its stylish glory. The vodka was pretty good and this fucker was a crowd pleaser. Hits great too.
And the stank ride as it sits. Progress is slow (im poor and collecting parts takes a while)
Anytime some one mentioned how ghetto my methods were, I told them to eat their fucking steak and enjoy the realhomemade style of shit.