I helped my mother move furniture the other day, which isn't a big deal since I've moved all my shit by myself at least 5-10 times. None of it was really heavy, but the next day my lower back was KILLING me. Unless I'm sitting still, feel like I'm getting stabbed. Walking, stairs, breathing deep, leaning, etc
When the last CRX was totaled, they said the xray showed a compressed L3 vertebrae. I didn't do anything about it because they didn't say I needed to, that was years ago and I've never had a problem until now.
Started 3 days ago and ibuprofen/aspirin/caffeine/naproxen don't do shit. Anyone had this and suggestions on how long I should wait before going for narcotics?
Johnny, can you pay for my doctor visit?
JK, the jackboot thugs that hired me will