Russ has a shitload of pics and vids hes got uploaded in his photobucket, he just doesnt have time to put them in the thread yet...
He, Shadow and the Canadian express all just left... Leed went missing in piss drunk action with Jeff and Beau
for the night and resurfaced at DRQPQUTS today... and Im left with the East coast lovers that I need to get to the airport by 11 tonight so their border jumping whiskey drinking stripper chasing asses can get home safe and sound.
Russ Shadow: Nice meeting you guys and I hope you enjoyed yourselves and all was cool at my pad for you.
Shadow, JD, Russ and I went out and raped the Accord on the freeway 4 deep at 25 PSI for a few vids comminting some 3 4 5 140MPH goodness, those will be up soon.
No guns, no time.
Hope you guys had a greeeeat time. I did, yall made wonderfull roomies, but im glad to see you go. It was a blast from the time I picked up JD, to the shenanigans at Russ' hotell room all the way to the last minute...
God dmn, I hope Sewell gives up the manpuss before he goes though.. Hes sooooo dreammmy