What r u talking about? Ask levi how long his drive was, ask shadow, or 92cx, or jd And tom how long there flights were. Just because your 4 hours away dont mean shit. Fuck if i were to take a guess i would say we are 50+ deep within a 6 hour drive from seattle. And that would be a active 50 too. Building, boosting, drinking and raping the streets with open downpipes is how we roll on the new. Oh and we like to eat too.
This man speaks the truth. I know shadow drove 20hrs, and 92cx drove something stupid like 16hrs, pulling his car with a minivan. I drove an hr south, to have a 12+hr flight, then rode 4hrs north, then 4 hrs south, to almost get butt raped by a man that had the resemblence of the BIG BOSS MAN. Jd also had like 14hrs of travel time.
People just dont travel on the east coast. People bitch about driving an hr and a half for a tune in fl. One guy out west drove 19hrs for me to street tune his car, another drove 13hrs
but a large majority of you are in the same state. and your comparing 1 big meet where a few people came from long distances.
have you ever looked at the distances between us EC people? it just so happens you guys have a fuck ton of member in a 1-2 hour radius
Lets do a big east coast meet