a) Take 30k salary + monthly bonus based on P&L (aka joe average ends the year making 35k in nyc = poverty)
b) Take 5,000 signing bonus and take 70% of your upside, failure to make money results in pink slip rapidly. (aka make anywhere from 5-100k (with 30% going to sweet scammers) depending on how many movies about wall street you've seen)
c) Say fuck both and work at a prop shop boiler room style where you get to use their desk and capital for a 5,000 deposit. Stay on board until you lose all of your leveraged loot. (aka make anywhere from -5k to over 40 million dollars)
To put earning potential into perspective, lets say max cap I'd put into a single acct would be 100,000 - make 1% on that 1,000... but if you make 1% 5/10 and lose 5% 1/10 = you still fail at life and become an hero. This would all be day to day, no long positions or overnight holds. Mostly technical trading. Equities only.
While failing to get offers in my industry of choice I am considering those offers from various NYC bucket shops that sweetly seduce recent graduates. I love trading and the only way in for a non-target graduate is one of these half scam set ups.
In the meantime, I umpire little league games and pick at scabs on my scalp.