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Author Topic: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???  (Read 4451 times)


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So me and the wife are at her mothers for the summer (about 2 hours from our home), babysitting her boyfriends kids. (girl is 8, and a boy whom is 6). I agreed to this little gig having reservations about the while situation. My wife, nor I are crazy about her mother's b/f. He's a real yuppie, and basically an example of what is wrong with "men" now days (being pussies). He is a college psych professor, and tries his hand at "categorizing" and diagnosing EVERYONE he comes into contact with. I guess it's his way of feeling superior. Anyway fuck him.
   So today is the first day of my wife and I having the kids solo. We take them on a bike ride to the gated community's pool (about 3 blocks). We get within sight of the pool, and the sidewalk slopes GENTLY up for a little bit. The boy can't pedal up the hill. Instead of stopping and getting off the bike, this not too bright kid stops, and just falls the fuck over. Its a 16" bike. He tipped over. He layed on the ground screaming his fucking head off for I swear 10 minutes. He sounded like he was being tortured. He had a red place on his stomach, and that was it. Didn't break skin or anything. He's just a big pussy. After he finally got his breathe and slowed into a steady sob, he started walking to the pool. I had to push his fucking bike for him, b/c he wouldn't touch it. We get to the pool, he jumps in, water goes up his nose. He comes up out of the water, horror movie screaming, AGAIN. Everyone at the pool is looking at me like I hit the kid or something. He cried for another 5 minutes. An hour passes by without incident, until he gets pool water in his eye. My wife takes him into the girls bathroom to rinse his eye out, and he's crying, again. He won't come out of the bathroom. He stayed in there until my wife said fuck it, we're taking them home. Had to load his fucking bike in the back of my car (nasty greasy bike, in my nice fucking clean car), because he wouldn't ride it. I had to TELL him to man up and push the bike to the car.
  My 4 year old daughter got a concussion from falling out of a shopping cart, and cried for about 5 minutes. Then wanted to leave the hospital to go home and play. She pops little "wheelies" on her 16" bike, with no training wheels. Of which she has wrecked countless times, with very few tears shed. How is it that someone can baby a child SO fucking much to the point where they are giant pussy? What the fuck is wrong with parents?
The 2 fat bitches from the internet fucked me. Except for one, she didn'#039#039t.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 05:00:57 PM »

Like father, like son.

I couldn't count the times we skinned our knees to the bone, cut nice deep gashes, got burns, or whatever else growing up.  Bandaid would fix it all as good as new.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 05:09:55 PM »

Hell yea man. My dad always super glued my deep gashes. I've heard horror stories about pussified kids, but I never imagined it could be this bad. And I have 7 more weeks of this. My wife and I are of the same mindset. We ARE going to break this kid. The girl isn't as bad ( I guess b/c she's a little older), but she's a whiny ass too. She started to get whiny a couple of times at the pool, and I just told her that she is older and needs to set an example on being tougher for her brother, and she dried it up.

  I WILL break this kid, I swear. Just hope I don't go to jail b/c of pussy daddy for doing it.
The 2 fat bitches from the internet fucked me. Except for one, she didn'#039#039t.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2010, 05:16:36 PM »

Yeah i can about imagine what those kids are like. I have seen the same pussy parents with the pussy kids.

Or hell what about the parents that let the kids just wonder around and play/break/drop shit in stores these days? when i was younger my mom would just take me out to the car if i started to act like an asshole in places and i would get my ass yelled at and told to act better and i did just that or i would get the "or else" punishment.

I don't want to think of kids in a few more years. fuck.....


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 05:27:43 PM »

Or hell what about the parents that let the kids just wonder around and play/break/drop shit in stores these days?

You can't scold them, that's disruptive to their "creativity".
The 2 fat bitches from the internet fucked me. Except for one, she didn'#039#039t.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2010, 05:50:49 PM »

it really doesn't matter what you do.  the kid will be a pussy after the 7 weeks is up. 


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2010, 06:38:58 PM »

beat him, dont leave marks.
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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2010, 07:28:16 PM »

Half the problem is the parents themselves. Half the problem is the system for making parents scared to punish there children.
Parents that over react cause there children to be pussies. I'm sure many have seen the little kid that falls down, looks around then keeps playing. Then I'm sure you've also seen when the same kid falls sees the parent and the parent is like ouch or whatever and the kid starts crying. The kid looks too the parent to decide how they should feel. If you just look at the kid and don't show sympathy for every lil' scrape and bruise they'll be a badass and only come to you when its something serious. The only thing my kid doesn't particularly like is lots of blood. A little and he'll come ask for a band aid and take off playin.
My advice:
When he hurts himself ask if it's gonna hurt forever/tell him  it won't
When he throws a fit ignore him and keep on walking

You don't have to yell and scream or hit him. Just ignore him and continue on. If he won't touch get his bike leave it and tell him your going to leave it there. This is what I do for my four year old and it works pretty well.

Why would I not be surprised if your pink slip included "quotquotthen Mr Davis overturned the table while shouting, HOWS THAT FOR FLUID MECHANICS?!"quotquot?


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2010, 08:20:18 PM »

i hate to admit it but this is one thing the negroes are getting right, i have never encountered a whiny bitch ass niglet.
malone labe

I think all cop cars need to have turbo. nbspnbsp Then they would understand the necessity of putting your foot down and how uncontrollable the urge is to fucking rail on that shit.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2010, 08:34:16 PM »

I lock my kid in the closet and stuff ketchup soaked bread under the door. I only bring him out when ive had a rough day at work and need somthing to take my agression out on. He's a real straight shooter and i never hear him complain.
kill yourself piss face

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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2010, 09:15:20 PM »

He is a college psych professor, and tries his hand at "categorizing" and diagnosing EVERYONE he comes into contact with. I guess it's his way of feeling superior.

I have this thing where I don't like being called Joe.  It's my dad's name.  Mr. Davis?  No, that's my dad, I'm just Joseph.  Most people I've corrected don't think twice and roll with it because it's not any big shit.  Twice a year I meet some guy my age or older who was named after their dad, and all they do is say they understand completely and roll with it because it's not any big shit.  Every psych graduate I meet (it's worse with practicing psychs, I can only imagine what a professor of that horseshit is like) tries to crawl into my head and figure out what my childhood phobia is, if my father was distant and I didn't feel loved, did he fuck me in the ass to have me deny him?

Uhm, I'm not that guy?  My mom called me Joseph, and my dad Joe.  Because it made fucking sense to address us that way.  This is blatantly obvious to anyone who doesn't have a liberal arts education.  I tell every last one of these intellectual failures exactly these words, after I feed them just enough line for them to hang themselves with.  And this is exactly who that man is.

You're not the brightest guy out there, Keelay, but you have enough common sense to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears what is wrong with that child.  I'd have already called the man on his shit, but he's the sort who'll try to manipulate the meaning of every word out of your mouth while rationalizing his own behavior as the logical approach.  I'm pretty sure you'd just cause family drama trying, which may or may not subside if mom-in-law ever removes her head from her ass.  If you do try, make sure it's the right tome right place and broadside him in three sentences or less. get right to the point, and then don't give him any more verbal ammo to twist how he pleases.

Honestly, get your woman on your side and have her break it to your mom that you two are out of there.  Let her deal with his brats instead of having you guys insulate her from them, she'll see all too clearly how it is.

it really doesn't matter what you do.  the kid will be a pussy after the 7 weeks is up. 


Babymomma ran off with my kid for five years, the whole time plying her with the emotional hyperdrama of a manic bipolar who refuses to take meds.  She sought me out because she didn't understand the kid, as the kid thinks like I do.  I've said it about a thousand times: I won the genetic lottery on that one.

This douche also won the genetic lottery with his nancyboy son.  The daughter is either like her mom, or has already come to understand her father isn't interested in her because she doesn't have a penis to suck.  Probably a bit of both, but don't feel bad for her as she's not the kid who's going to get rogered every time no one else is around.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2010, 10:06:54 PM »

I got very close with a buddies family for a summer while I lived at his parents place.  His uncle used to come over all the time to "visit" and would bring the fuckin kids.

So anyway, in trot these two kids, 8 and 10 iirc or 9 and 11 i forget which. Either way, the oldest is a daughter and the youngest a boy.  The boy is a fucking pussy twat trainwreck.  He is like 150 lbs or something, hes a fat fuck, refuses to eat ANYTHING that isnt grilled cheese, plain pizza or hot dogs.  Both of these kids still piss the fucking bed, the nutscase mother has giant car seats for them in teh back of there beat up old civic.  They still share a bedroom and are basically useless.

I remember once watching there 3 year old cousin taunt and beat the fat one. We are talking a 120lb difference here, and the older fat kid would run terrified from this 3 year old kid. Was amusing really, one day the dog knocked him down and raped him. That was fun too.

Parents are so terrified that their kids will get hurt, they lock em up inside with a fucking video game system and then wonder why they are all fat twats.  Kids need to fall down, scrape knees , get scarred and learn from their mistakes.  Its bullshit, I have zero tolerance for pussy kids.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2010, 10:39:06 PM »

LOL @ beastiality rape
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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2010, 10:57:21 PM »

Parents are so terrified that their kids will get hurt, they lock em up inside with a fucking video game system and then wonder why they are all fat twats.  Kids need to fall down, scrape knees , get scarred and learn from their mistakes.  Its bullshit, I have zero tolerance for pussy kids.
That is a fact.

I never babied my son. Even as an infant. I made it hard for him and made him do it himself as much as he could. He was crawling at 6 weeks and running at 7 months. That may have been a bad idea in hindsight, chasing an 8 month old lol. He's tough, smart, and better behaved than 99% of 4 year olds out there.
Make them do it themselves damnit. Help 'em when they fall and just encourage them to keep trying when they fail. Even if they hurt themselves.

With that said. The best way for you too "break" the kid is to not baby him, and make him do shit himself. But like Joe said be careful not too make too many waves. Inlaws are a delicate subject and you'll have to deal with them for awhile.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 11:05:39 PM by TheMadScientist »
Why would I not be surprised if your pink slip included "quotquotthen Mr Davis overturned the table while shouting, HOWS THAT FOR FLUID MECHANICS?!"quotquot?


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2010, 11:04:07 PM »

I don't raise pussies.



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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2010, 11:07:02 PM »

Reddevil you sir have earned yourself 37 internets
Why would I not be surprised if your pink slip included "quotquotthen Mr Davis overturned the table while shouting, HOWS THAT FOR FLUID MECHANICS?!"quotquot?


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2010, 11:10:00 PM »

child slave labor FUCK YEA!
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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2010, 11:16:01 PM »

maybe it's time for an RHMT boot camp for the kid.

then HE can beat the shit out of his old man when the old man comes back.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2010, 11:57:26 PM »

beat him, dont leave marks.

Not my kids, I'm not their disciplinarian. That would just make them fear and resent me.

Half the problem is the parents themselves. Half the problem is the system for making parents scared to punish there children.
Parents that over react cause there children to be pussies. I'm sure many have seen the little kid that falls down, looks around then keeps playing. Then I'm sure you've also seen when the same kid falls sees the parent and the parent is like ouch or whatever and the kid starts crying. The kid looks too the parent to decide how they should feel. If you just look at the kid and don't show sympathy for every lil' scrape and bruise they'll be a badass and only come to you when its something serious. The only thing my kid doesn't particularly like is lots of blood. A little and he'll come ask for a band aid and take off playin.
My advice:
When he hurts himself ask if it's gonna hurt forever/tell him  it won't
When he throws a fit ignore him and keep on walking

You don't have to yell and scream or hit him. Just ignore him and continue on. If he won't touch get his bike leave it and tell him your going to leave it there. This is what I do for my four year old and it works pretty well.

I never really thought about the system side of the equation. Mostly b/c my kid isn't a bitch, and because these kid's father falls into the category of FUCKING YUPPIE.

He is a college psych professor, and tries his hand at "categorizing" and diagnosing EVERYONE he comes into contact with. I guess it's his way of feeling superior.

I have this thing where I don't like being called Joe.  It's my dad's name.  Mr. Davis?  No, that's my dad, I'm just Joseph.  Most people I've corrected don't think twice and roll with it because it's not any big shit.  Twice a year I meet some guy my age or older who was named after their dad, and all they do is say they understand completely and roll with it because it's not any big shit.  Every psych graduate I meet (it's worse with practicing psychs, I can only imagine what a professor of that horseshit is like) tries to crawl into my head and figure out what my childhood phobia is, if my father was distant and I didn't feel loved, did he fuck me in the ass to have me deny him?

Uhm, I'm not that guy?  My mom called me Joseph, and my dad Joe.  Because it made fucking sense to address us that way.  This is blatantly obvious to anyone who doesn't have a liberal arts education.  I tell every last one of these intellectual failures exactly these words, after I feed them just enough line for them to hang themselves with.  And this is exactly who that man is.

You're not the brightest guy out there, Keelay, but you have enough common sense to see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears what is wrong with that child.  I'd have already called the man on his shit, but he's the sort who'll try to manipulate the meaning of every word out of your mouth while rationalizing his own behavior as the logical approach.  I'm pretty sure you'd just cause family drama trying, which may or may not subside if mom-in-law ever removes her head from her ass.  If you do try, make sure it's the right tome right place and broadside him in three sentences or less. get right to the point, and then don't give him any more verbal ammo to twist how he pleases.

Honestly, get your woman on your side and have her break it to your mom that you two are out of there.  Let her deal with his brats instead of having you guys insulate her from them, she'll see all too clearly how it is.

it really doesn't matter what you do.  the kid will be a pussy after the 7 weeks is up. 


Babymomma ran off with my kid for five years, the whole time plying her with the emotional hyperdrama of a manic bipolar who refuses to take meds.  She sought me out because she didn't understand the kid, as the kid thinks like I do.  I've said it about a thousand times: I won the genetic lottery on that one.

This douche also won the genetic lottery with his nancyboy son.  The daughter is either like her mom, or has already come to understand her father isn't interested in her because she doesn't have a penis to suck.  Probably a bit of both, but don't feel bad for her as she's not the kid who's going to get rogered every time no one else is around.

  I understand. I was named after my father also, but I was fortunate enough to have a different middle name. The story was told to me that I was called by my first name for the first few weeks of my life, until my dad had enough of that confusion, and started calling my Kyle. The only problem that has since arose is mail bullshit. Since I moved out of his house 8 years ago, I still get some of his mail because of MY change of address, and he still gets some of mine. It's been a fucking pain to say the least.
  Just out of curiosity, what makes you think I'm not that intelligent? I will concede to you that I am not as articulate with how I express myself and opinions, but I like to think I'm of above average intelligence.
  You hit the nail on the head with the causing drama. We're both (wife and I) on the same page, and have the same ideas/principles on raising children. There is no issue between she and I. But she is not the type to continue biting her tongue. She can keep quiet for a little while, but when she has enough, she will address it. I'm of the non-confrontational type, until I finally have had enough, and I usually over react to something small that set me off.
  We've talked with her mother since the children and their father have left (about and hour ago...). We haven't so much said "what we will take" and what "we won't". But we have discussed their whiny behavior, and excessive needy-ness. These kids have NO independance, and whine until someone hands them what they want.

Kids need to fall down, scrape knees , get scarred and learn from their mistakes. I have zero tolerance for pussy kids.

That need to be on a fucking commercial.

And reddevil, you give me hope sir.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 12:10:36 AM by keelay »
The 2 fat bitches from the internet fucked me. Except for one, she didn'#039#039t.

Joseph Davis

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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2010, 12:36:47 AM »

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think I'm not that intelligent?

You are having social interaction problems with a liberal arts graduate?  Seriously.  You can tell his MO is assinine, but can't articulate the reasons why.

I will concede to you that I am not as articulate with how I express myself and opinions, but I like to think I'm of above average intelligence.

That's a common conceit of people with 120-130 IQs, just to pick a statistical distribution that has some brilliant people, some losers, and a whoooooole lot of wannabes.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2010, 12:46:36 AM »

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think I'm not that intelligent?

You are having social interaction problems with a liberal arts graduate?  Seriously.  You can tell his MO is assinine, but can't articulate the reasons why.

I will concede to you that I am not as articulate with how I express myself and opinions, but I like to think I'm of above average intelligence.

That's a common conceit of people with 120-130 IQs, just to pick a statistical distribution that has some brilliant people, some losers, and a whoooooole lot of wannabes.

Not having any situations with him personally, just having to deal with his spawn, while not rocking the boat. I'd prefer to bite my tongue than to cause pointless family issues.

As far as IQ, I've never been tested, so I can't truthfully say. The only test I have taken that really makes a fuck was the ACT, and I got a 33 on that. But thanks for the vote of confidence Yoseph!
The 2 fat bitches from the internet fucked me. Except for one, she didn'#039#039t.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2010, 01:51:21 AM »

I agree kids need to learn the hard way. I mean you can be somewhat cautious and not let them do blatantly stupid shit, but the fact is sooner or later they have to learn for themselves. 90% chance that kid grows up to be a loser/druggie/homo. All my scars were a good learning experience and great stories/reminders.


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2010, 03:39:50 AM »

I don't raise pussies.

Neighbors might call child services on you, but a great fucking pic!!!!!
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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2010, 12:02:22 PM »

Drug-dependant loser is right, although in this case maybe he'll be the next 900lb man. If you ever watch those drug intervention shows, 90% of them have parents that can't put their foot down & kids that take full advantage of that.

These kids have NO independance, and whine until someone hands them what they want.

A Warm Glass Of Shut the hell up

Kids need to fall down, scrape knees , get scarred and learn from their mistakes. I have zero tolerance for pussy kids.

My dad's favorite line was "Come here, I'll really give you something to cry about!" I tend to put up with pain until it's unhealthy. I'm just not a big fan of majorly-debilitating injuries as lessons. You don't want a 40yr old virgin son because of a freak chainsaw incident at age 4.
they mspainted dildoes in my mom'#039#039s hand, in a picture of her in a hospital bed. -JD
dem gurls need some boobz! -Engloid


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Re: What the fuck is wrong with kids and their parents these days???
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2010, 03:25:44 AM »

shouldnt be too hard to figure out... kids belong to a pussy of a dad, and dad just happens to have a profession in the cerebral category... is it any wonder the kids are disconnected from what you and i would deem reasonable?
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