pretty much you're the only one i've seen complain
Don't worry, I've been saving links to your failure to comprehend posts.
right...thats fairly sad. sorry i'm not the all knowing internet guy like you apparently are.
Mr. Davis has no real friends. He's an internet warrior.
Compared to whom? You? You have a myspace collection of highschool girls wearing pancake makeup, and nobody who knows you thinks you're half what you pretend to be.
slawjc: well what u need to get for it
10:34 PM ?
10:39 PM u know i always got cash in hand son
me: make offer
Alternately, I would give it to you for breaking Tyler's ignorant jaw.
slawjc: 150 on the snail
10:40 PM tylers not bad in person
me: He's a know-nothing online
slawjc: hes a know nothing in real life too
me: lol
slawjc: he trys hard\
So, get bent shit stick. I never pretended to be everyone's best buddy therefore whether or not I have friends is irrelevant to me, or to anything being discussed in this thread. All I've every claimed is to like cars, and be good with applied electronics and engine theory. You, however, think you're Smarty-pants McDaniels and you're actually a chump people mock and find pathetic. Oddly enough, what this thread is about.
pretty much you're the only one i've seen complain
Don't worry, I've been saving links to your failure to comprehend posts.
right...thats fairly sad. sorry i'm not the all knowing internet guy like you apparently are.
Which is also the point, Every post you make is either factually wrong, or you make some dumb comment that has someone replying to you, "did you even read this thread?" This forum is comprised of bluecollar assholes NOT Einsteins, if I'm calling you out for being stupid then you are standing out and it's pretty pathetic. You say you're $40K in the hole for student loans??