I have 2 b dub shirts from doing that.
I don't think the blazin is that hot, but my lips always swell up afterwords. My friends always get me to do whatever the wing challenge the place has because I make it look so easy.
The only time I have ever regretted doing a wing challenge was at this bar right next to my house called boomerangs.
I had to sign a waver.
When they were making them, the cook couldn't stand in the kitchen area, the bar tender were tearing up from the fumes. Its some ghost pepper sauce with ghost pepper chunks injected with pure cap on the Biggest chicken wings I have ever seen..
Rules you have to finish 10 in 10 minutes
no wiping the wings
2 bar napkins
no drink untill 5 minutes after you finish.
I finished in 4 minutes
Most horrific thing I have ever eaten and I felt/shit weird for a week. Friend has a vid on his phone I try to get him to upload it.
I am one of 6 people that has completed it. I have a plaque on the wall. Best part was all the free beer afterward but I felt like shit and couldn't taste it.