Step out of line...... Get beat the fuck down.
Cant follow the rules, and get your skull crushed in.
Pretty simple cause and effect if you ask me.
Communist Russia would definitely agree with you
Here is whats happening with the protesters locally.
The stand there with there signs all day. (no problem)
They dont go home at night (1st problem)
then then get sent away(they don't want to leave)
The go to a privet park down the road and camp there(2nd problem)
Park owner calls cops and has cops come tell them to leave(they bitch and moan)
Protesters then start refusing to leave (this is where they stepped out of line)
A couple are cuffed (others get rattled about this)
So they then start arguing with cops and a little snafu beaks out(more get arrested)
One of them starts pushing the cops around(now the skull cracking starts)
I don't feel for those hippie fucks. Why aren't they at work? Let me guess. The man keeping them down so there aren't any jobs for them.....
I know this is probably totally off topic but I hate hipsters, man hating lesbians, fags, and pretty much 90% of the