So it's going to have outdated PC games playing on the tv? We just do that now with an HDMI cable and a PC. Wait, it does console games? Um, one of dozens of emulators will cover that. I highly doubt it will play WoW well (as a picture suggests), and definately not at full 1080p. Not if it costs less than the PS3 did at launch.
Maybe I should put my injector "idea" on kickstarter. Looks like free money...
You'd be surprised at the performance of modern GPUs. Hardware-accelerated 1080p for high profile h.264 content is nothing special. It will play just fine. WoW? C'mon, it's an outdated piece of software. The graphics are nothing special. Most likely, they're using OnLive to play it -- you know the service where your game is rendered on a remote server and streamed to your lower-power, lower-performance device? Another great idea, but unfortunately I have a high performance machine at home already...
why run it on android specifically? the android sdk is horrible.
why not just a linux box, with wine or whatever else, maybe something they make. to run PC games
The Android SDK isn't that bad. The documentation has improved greatly over the last year or so, as have the tools. In this particular case, the Android SDK doesn't really mean shit. It's primarily for games. Games use the OpenGL API. The only thing "Android" about the games is the very, very basic skeleton of an app to house the OpenGL code. The SDK, though, is much better than it used to be. My only complaint now is that OpenGL applications have to be ran on a device, and will crash on an emulator. I was pissed after I spent hours trying to find out why my code was crashing on the emulator before I found that out...
Android applications -- being for a mobile, touchscreen device -- translate to a TV
much better than your typical desktop app. I know there are some good home theater front-ends for Linux/Windows, such as XBMC, but the UIs on a whole suck. Most are designed for a desktop where you have a mouse and keyboard for precision. Mobile apps are designed to require as little input as possible, which is great on a TV.
Wine and PC games? Riiiggghhhhtttt... I think some of you are missing the point of this. It's a $100 device,
not a computer. Media streamers are $100 and up and don't do half the shit this does, nor do they come with a controller.
XBMC among others have already hopped on board to support this thing. $100 for all the features of a media stream, plus a controller, plus a catalog of modern software and games? No shit it's not going to have the performance of the $300 GPU in my desktop, but that's not the point. I'll probably buy one of these things, it's a great idea, and there are a lot of others that agree -- look at the support it's got, not only from individuals, but from big names.
It's a brilliant fucking idea.