Sweet deal, what u thinking for times? Low 10s? U think u can actually push it into the 9s? What are you cert to?
I doubt the setup has a 9, but if I did I'll be tossed. As the car sits with an 8 pt. roll bar and no parachute, I'm sure I'll hit 150mph this year and hope they don't sweat me for that shit. A removable chute mount I can do, but front halo bars in my street car isn't something I'm willing to do. Plus, a 9 is the whole NHRA Competition license and all that. I'm not going there.
I'm thinking the car has a clean 10.2/3 in it, and while I'll surely hit 150mph, I'm just hoping to win the Real Street/Unlimited class of the MAP Proving Grounds event in Brainerd, Mn. in late June. It's the big event for us Minnesota people every year. Last year the final was a mis-shift-fest against a car I should have raped anyday, but I took 2nd.
So, my mis-shift last year was a bent shift change assembly, and the Speed Factory upgraded one was like $500, so that's covered. I think I have more than enough to wax the class this year. I pretty much had it locked last year other than mis-shifting the final, so my upgrades this year I'm hoping to take the class, and I've vowed to put the street wheels/exhaust on and drive it 3 hrs home just to rub it in. Most of the faster cars in the class don't actually drive on the streets, so that's my little "fuck you" to them.
And in case FatNiggaCheeseburger wants some, the event is June 21-23 at Brainerd International. Take the class and I give you $1,000 cash, old timer.