Those 4 year olds need to get their shit together. I spent several hours dicking around with a new slave cylinder for my 4runner. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I couldn't get it to bleed from the fucking bleeder. I figured something was jammed in the valve body or I forgot to take some little plastic piece out. Negative. The bleeder hole wasn't machined out deep enough, it didn't actually reach the clutch fluid at all. After I drilled it out and put everything back together again it still wasn't right- the 4runner would start, but the clutch was only barely engaging, which is backwards as fuck. So I took it off again and compared it to the old one with a more critical eye, and the whole damn part is fuct, the tabs that bolt it down are off, so it wasn't letting the clutch clamp all the way down.
I cross-referenced all the part numbers and the ebay post to make sure I didn't fuck up my order. The part is just fucked. And I'm still driving around with a half fuct slave and master cylinder.
ANYWAY- who has deals on legit toyota replacement parts?