The big ass Apex injectors seem like they'd be a little too much, same with the giant snail. Just looking for a driveable 800whp. Turns out the turbo is a Super B Special, so not sure where to go on the big snail.
The DDP 60lpm injectors, flow checked? $?
Got a dual CP3 kit?
Also someone mentioned upgrading the fuel rail itself. Is this a real thing or was it dumb advice?
Sorry no Dual cp3 kit, ours was ruined by accident when we were pulling the wiring harness out when we went to the standalone.
No I don't think they have been flowed, they were run maybe once, maybe not at all? (just waiting to hear back on the price) They are just nozzels.
You can never have too big of injectors, it is better to have extra injection rate than stretched to the limit and high egt's. I will make a heck of a deal on the injectors.
That 64mm bd special will do 700whp all on its own. An S480 is a nice size to go with it, or if you have bigger future plans step up to an S588 or a GT5088 or GT5588 (not correct nomenclature for the GT stuff but to lazy to put the correct stuff in)
The S510 was more of a joke, it is a 1400-1500hp turbo. We made 1684whp with a bit of juice with it.
Yes the 6.7 rail and cross over tubes are larger and worth it, we actually run a dual rail setup, but that is a little out of this conversation.