remaking the thread from ohmt with better pics
you have to drink this stuff quick.. otherwise the alcohol from the lemons will make it taste bitter... there is a NOTICEABLE difference between drinking it right after blending and just waiting less than 5 minutes then drinking it.. its a VERY Fun chaser
and really easy to make..
to make you will need
lemons or limes or use lemons AND limes for best results..
sugar to taste.
cut off the ends of the lemons
then cut them up into manageable pieces... otherwise ittl be on the blender all day..
for my blender i already know 4 cups of water + 4 lemons = full blender once you beat it... i usually use 6 lemons because i like mine strong... but today i was making it for my mom who is sick. so heh.
beat lemons/water
strain mix into pot
set rinds aside to make second run
dump lemonade back into blender.. add sugar to taste.. blend the fuck out of it.. then pour into cup and enjoy
for second run dump the rinds back into blender.. re blend.. strain again... dump back into blender.. add sugar.. etc etc
you can keep reusing the rinds till the lemonade doesn't taste like lemonade anymore (usually 3 runs max)
what it looks like on second run