i like rush and glenn beck.
I have a problem with accepting these 2 specific men as any sort of intelligent authority. these 2 guys have done more in the last 3 years to solidify their batshit craziness. Like the 4409 dudes jonny posted. they were cool until i realized they had quite a few videos on youtube about how we didn't go to the moon.
Right after i read that i cant take anything you say seriously anymore. There is absolutely no positive way any civilian would know that to be a truth, not to mention how radical the idea of us not going is. All im saying is if you have a message you want the public to know, they effectively convey it with the least amount of crazies you can muster.
While i agree with 4409 on a lot of things i cant tell my friends who need to learn to go watch their vids cause they will see that and strike them as Conspiracy theorists. It kills the momentum these guys could have.
Same with eating shit tons of pills and shitting on Michale j fox for "milking Parkinsons" or Glenn Beck for Crying over his "lost nation".