is crazy the poor kid is probably dead.
The 6-year-old boy who was thought to be in a mylar balloon speeding high across Colorado Thursday was on the ABC series 'Wife Swap.'
Falcon Heene is the son of Richard and Mayumi Heene of Ft. Collins, Colo. His parents are storm chasers, and their chaotic parenting style was criticized by their swap family.
Richard and Mayumi Heene of Ft. Collins, Colo. have two other boys, Bradford and Royo. The family is known for their risk-taking ways.
According to the ABC 'Wife Swap' website, the family sleeps in their clothes so they can leap from bed and run after a storm at any given moment.
The site also describes the balloon that sounds like the one being tracked Thursday.
"When the Heene family aren't chasing storms, they devote their time to scientific experiments that include looking for extraterrestrials and building a research-gathering flying saucer to send into the eye of the storm," says the site.