yup its mine, honestly the only reason I'm selling it is because I can't fucking register it. (disreguard the post description on ebay)
I would totally keep it if I could get it licensed but how?. I even told the owner of our dealership I'd work a full month if he would give me a dealer plate. I looked into several different ways and everyway comes up the same. I need to get a letter of conformity from the factory stating its 50 state legal/dot/epa certified.. well we all know thats not going to happen. So I went into state patrol and starting talking to them about "Kit" cars, and told them I built this fucker from scratch, and they said sorry it doesnt work like that. I guess they had 3 people with Skylines who did that then said it was ok.. then 60 days later they caught on and yanked the plates. They said that the only Skylines in the USA that are registered were grandfathered in by a mistake, and it was like 175 cars total across the US, all the others are illegal. So yea, I love the car but shit I have like 7 cars at the house, its a little retarded. Especially since I cant even drive it. It's a shame too, it drives so damn nice. I know I'm gonna take a major loss on it, but thats life I guess. It will be the first car in my entire life I have never made money on.
Not sure what to get, maybe like a odyssey lol
The wife just got a CRV