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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #120 on: November 30, 2009, 01:32:39 PM »

I'm just saying, they do their fucking jobs.  Just so happens that their jobs are to enforce laws that were voted on and in by the people.  Yeah, some time some of them fuck up.  I am not defending the jack asses who abuse their power.  But in this case, unless you know the 4 victims, they were just doing their jobs.  Sorry if you mother fuckers feel like you were discrimihated against because you were speeding and you didn't hurt anybody.  Or you were hooked on meth and you didn't hurt anybody (even though you are getting your free health coverage for being a broke useless  piece of shit)  Grow the fuck up.  You dont like the laws, start petitions, write your legislature and start working on trying to change them.  Otherwise, move your dumb ass to Afghanistan.

doesn't work. write all the letters you want they still do whatever they want

these laws were not voted in by people. they are voted in by people in the state legislatures and in congress. sure we "vote" them in (ha ha ha yet i'm sure) but they do anything they want, and the only options you have is two people that will do the same thing.

this is why we are supposed to have a Constitution... to protect the rights of the minority.

democracy is the tyranny of the majority
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #121 on: November 30, 2009, 01:35:04 PM »

We could start by letting a niger shoot Johnny in the back while he's buying a coffee. Then we could make a thread entitled "Fuck Stick killed in washington by Obama Supporter".

I really hope im not the only one who got that and laughed his ass off.

So RS is this really how you are in real life?  Cause you know how i know you arent?  its cause you'd be in jail all the time or constantly getting your shit kicked in. 

So every time someone speeds in your neighborhood you go "kick their ass"?  You do realize that in order for you NOT to go to Jail, they would have to NOT call the cops when they are getting their asses beat and NO ONE could see you or they would call the cops too.  You think the cops would just be like "Ok you beat his ass he was speeding its cool?"  I mean if you say that then you must fight a lot don't you?  do you ever loose?

Dont doge the question either, you think people who speed shouldn't be ticketed until they kill and or break shit? you think that's a solid theory?  I mean do you honestly think people will Not speed if they know they wont get a ticket.

Common sense should tell you if there were no chance at getting a ticket for speeding lots more would do it and obviously lots more would be Killed/Mamed/injured because of that.  Or is that where you are going with it.  if there are no speed limits then even if folks speed more they wont wreck more?

or should we just kill them with your 45 if they wreck?  ....funny cause that doesn't sound like democracy at all... sounds more like ...oh i dunno.....dictatorship?  doesn't sound much different to me than "pay for my insurance or die".......

you can't be this stupid.

what i posted is a hypothetical about a world were cops don't have complete authority. not about what i would do now. jackass. YuOR In COllEGe?

if someone kills a member of your family, yes go kill them. they deserve it. that is not a dictatorship. that is real life and freedom. if someone hurts you, hurt them back. if you don't want to get hurt, don't hurt anyone.

dictatorship = government

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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #122 on: November 30, 2009, 01:36:54 PM »

  They just enforce the laws.  If the laws were changed, guess what, they would then enforce the new laws.

nuremberg defense?


it was ok for people to kill jews in nazi germany... IT WAS THE LAW!!!! they were ONLY DOING THEIR JOBS...

it was the law to kill jews in nazi germany... does that make it right? because it was a law? are the authorities who did it ok because it was the law? just doing their jobs?

i'm glad j.h. posted this, because i usually have to! right on
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #123 on: November 30, 2009, 01:37:20 PM »

Move to Petoria and call it a day.  Make all the laws you want. ;)


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #124 on: November 30, 2009, 01:37:57 PM »

I like Johnny.  He's like internet Nietzsche.

I like Johnny.  He's like internet Ragnar Redbeard.


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #125 on: November 30, 2009, 01:40:11 PM »

Hey I just want to defend Random-Strike. THere are infact places where complete "chaos" works. There is no need for any official laws, nor for any inforcement. In fact, that inforcement usually just leads to problems. Only the stong really survive, and better the species.

Places like: Ghana, Samalia, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, etc.

Of course if you don't have a small army, big chunk of land, control of several peon villages, and foreign suppliers, you're basicly shit out of luck.

you can't spell. why would anyone ever take anything you say seriously.

afganistan has always had complete government control over everyone. what the fuck is wrong with you? the govt and authorities run wild there and always have. this is what i'm trying to stop here.

maybe you're thinking of a different place?


their problems = caused by government

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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #126 on: November 30, 2009, 01:40:47 PM »

Move to Petoria and call it a day.  Make all the laws you want. ;)

i'd declare my house and property my own in an instant if i could.

of course, i don't own my property, no one does. the government owns everything you are only leasing it from them.
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #127 on: November 30, 2009, 02:27:43 PM »

—But let’s come back: the problem with the other origin of the “good,” of the good man, as the person of ressentiment has imagined it for himself, demands its own conclusion.—That the lambs are upset about the great predatory birds is not a strange thing, and the fact that they snatch away small lambs provides no reason for holding anything against these large birds of prey. And if the lambs say among themselves, “These predatory birds are evil, and whoever is least like a predatory bird, especially anyone who is like its opposite, a lamb— shouldn’t that animal be good?” there is nothing to find fault with in this setting up of an ideal, except for the fact that the birds of prey might look down on them with a little mockery and perhaps say to themselves, “We are not at all annoyed with these good lambs. We even love them. Nothing is tastier than a tender lamb.” To demand from strength that it does not express itself as strength, that it does not consist of a will to overpower, a will to throw down, a will to rule, a thirst for enemies and opposition and triumph, is just as unreasonable as to demand from weakness that it express itself as strength. A quantum of force is simply such a quantum of drive, will, action—rather, it is nothing but this very driving, willing, acting itself—and it cannot appear as anything else except through the seduction of language (and the fundamental errors of reason petrified in it), which understands and misunderstands all action as conditioned by something which causes actions, by a “Subject.” For, in just the same way as people separate lightning from its flash and take the latter as an action, as the effect of a subject, which is called lightning, so popular morality separates strength from the manifestations of strength, as if behind the strong person there were an indifferent substrate, which is free to express strength or not. But there is no such substrate; there is no “being” behind the doing, acting, becoming. “The doer” is merely made up and added into the action—the act is everything. People basically duplicate the action: when they see a lightning flash, that is an action of an action: they set up the same event first as the cause and then yet again as its effect. Natural scientists are no better when they say “Force moves, force causes,” and so on—our entire scientific knowledge, for all its coolness, its freedom from feelings, still remains exposed to the seductions of language and has not gotten rid of the changelings foisted on it, the “Subjects” (the atom, for example, is such a changeling, like the Kantian “thing-in-itself”): it’s no wonder that the repressed, secretly smouldering feelings of rage and hate use this belief for themselves and basically even maintain a faith in nothing more fervently than in the idea that the strong are free to be weak and that predatory birds are free to be lambs:—in so doing, they arrogate to themselves the right to blame the birds of prey for being birds of prey. When the oppressed, the downtrodden, the conquered say to each other, with the vengeful cunning of the powerless, “Let us be different from evil people, namely, good! And that man is good who does not overpower, who hurts no one, who does not attack, who does not retaliate, who hands revenge over to God, who keeps himself hidden, as we do, the man who avoids all evil and demands little from life in general, like us, the patient, humble, and upright”—what that amounts to, coolly expressed and without bias, is essentially nothing more than “We weak people are merely weak. It’s good if we do nothing; we are not strong enough for that”—but this bitter state, this shrewdness of the lowest ranks, which even insects possess (when in great danger they stand as if they were dead in order not to do “too much”), has, thanks to that counterfeiting and self-deception of powerlessness, dressed itself in the splendour of a self-denying, still, patient virtue, just as if the weakness of the weak man himself—that means his essence, his actions, his entire single, inevitable, and irredeemable reality—is a voluntary achievement, something willed, chosen, an act, something of merit. This kind of man has to believe in the disinterested, freely choosing “subject” out of his instinct for self-preservation, self-approval, in which every falsehood is habitually sanctified. Hence, the subject (or, to use a more popular style, the soul) has up to now perhaps been the best principle for belief on earth, because, for the majority of the dying, the weak, and the downtrodden of all sorts, it makes possible that sublime self-deception which establishes weakness itself as freedom and their being like this or that as something meritorious.


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #128 on: November 30, 2009, 02:28:24 PM »

« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 02:35:37 PM by j.h.christ »
"quotquotI spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I just wasted."quotquot


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #129 on: November 30, 2009, 02:32:21 PM »



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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #130 on: November 30, 2009, 02:33:12 PM »


CALABASAS, Calif. (AP) - Three boys have been arrested for investigation of bullying red-haired students after a Facebook message promoted "Kick a Ginger Day" at a Southern California school.

Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday that two 12-year-olds were arrested for suspicion of misdemeanor battery, and a 13-year-old was booked for misdemeanor cyberbullying. They were released to their parents.

A total of eight boys are suspected in the Nov. 20 attacks on seven students at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas.

Authorities believe the shoves and kicks were prompted by a message referring to a "South Park" episode satirizing racial prejudice.

Nobody was seriously hurt.

kids arrested!!!!!!!!

police stateee
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"quotquotI spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I just wasted."quotquot


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #132 on: November 30, 2009, 02:41:48 PM »



It's to be expected when one writes a lengthy, popular essay about how a weak jewish morality destroyed strong roman values through its resentment of true self efficacy that they demonize you as a homosexual in their news papers.




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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #133 on: November 30, 2009, 02:46:16 PM »

The Gay Science, is a book written by Friedrich Nietzsche, first published in 1882.... It was noted by Nietzsche to be "the most personal of all my books".

enough said  :P
"quotquotI spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I just wasted."quotquot


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #134 on: November 30, 2009, 02:49:15 PM »

Fröhlich doesn't translate as gay. If it did, "frohe weihnachten" would be a very interesting Christmas greeting.


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #135 on: November 30, 2009, 03:02:43 PM »

the police chief of lakewood is on the radio crying saying they were great people.

i bet everyone agrees! esp all the people sitting in cages
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #136 on: November 30, 2009, 03:08:11 PM »

"quotquotI spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I just wasted."quotquot


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #138 on: November 30, 2009, 03:15:40 PM »

are you guys implying that these heroes were gay

SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!!!! they risk their lives to PROTECT YOU everyday!!!

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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #139 on: November 30, 2009, 03:16:42 PM »

the police chief of lakewood is on the radio crying saying they were great people.

i bet everyone agrees! esp all the people sitting in cages

your faggotry is a cage for your mind and your faggotry.


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #140 on: November 30, 2009, 03:19:47 PM »

the police chief of lakewood is on the radio crying saying they were great people.

i bet everyone agrees! esp all the people sitting in cages

your faggotry is a cage for your mind and your faggotry.

go beg for more handouts

i hear ramen is on sale
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #141 on: November 30, 2009, 03:35:17 PM »

are you guys implying that these heroes were gay

"quotquotI spent most of my money on booze and women. The rest I just wasted."quotquot


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #142 on: November 30, 2009, 03:41:58 PM »

its a joke...
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #143 on: November 30, 2009, 03:43:37 PM »

Its like arguing with a first grader.


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #144 on: November 30, 2009, 03:46:09 PM »

Its like arguing with a first grader.

lets make your police state voluntary.

if people agree with it, they can pay the taxes and have their authority figures to look up to, and to keep them from being naughty

i'll not pay, and not have them.

sounds fair.
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #145 on: November 30, 2009, 03:47:43 PM »


Nazi guard Demjanjuk wheeled into Munich trial

why is this guy on trial?????? this is unfair. he was just doing his job. he was just enforcing the laws... he doesn't make em!!!

IT WAS HIS JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #146 on: November 30, 2009, 03:49:46 PM »


Nazi guard Demjanjuk wheeled into Munich trial

why is this guy on trial?????? this is unfair. he was just doing his job. he was just enforcing the laws... he doesn't make em!!!

IT WAS HIS JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #147 on: November 30, 2009, 03:52:32 PM »

you can't be this stupid.

what i posted is a hypothetical about a world were cops don't have complete authority. not about what i would do now. jackass. YuOR In COllEGe?

if someone kills a member of your family, yes go kill them. they deserve it. that is not a dictatorship. that is real life and freedom. if someone hurts you, hurt them back. if you don't want to get hurt, don't hurt anyone.

dictatorship = government


if someone drove that fast past my house and i caught them they'd get an ass kicking, i can take care of it better than the police.

no, i wouldn't want the cops to come take his money, no i wouldn't want the cops to put him in a cage.

if he ran over my kid, doing that, i'd kill him.

So what about that indicates a fantasy world.  you said if this happens Ill do this.

So i guess the answer to my question is simply You don't do that.  so you ARE just a little bitch that talks about it but doesn't really do shit.  You probably sit there in your front yard talking all about what you're gonna do to em and then sit there and watch them drive off.  next time they speed by yoru house you'll do the same.....

i ate your mom'#39#39s dick last night :?:



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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #148 on: November 30, 2009, 03:54:42 PM »

SEATTLE – A heavily armed SWAT team stormed a Seattle home Monday where they thought they had cornered the suspect in the slaying of four police officers at a coffee shop, only to find out that he was not in the house and still on the loose.

how many no knock raids are little tyrants going to perform?

how many people/pets are they going to kill looking for this guy?

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Re: pirates killed in washington
« Reply #149 on: November 30, 2009, 04:03:36 PM »

Why don't you just stop paying taxes and quit complaining? What are they gonna do? You have your 45, remember?
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