I ended up doing new piston rings, replacing one bent exhaust valve, and getting a valve job.
When I was installing the timing belt, I noticed that after the cam was set to the mark on the cover, and the piston is at TDC, the teeth on the belt do not line up with the grooves on the gear. What in your opinion is the best way to go about degreeing the cam?
1. To move the cam gear slightly, and the crank pulley slightly to install the belt onto the upper and lower gears.
(slightly off of the respecive marks)
2. Set the cam to the mark, the piston to TDC, then to slide
the belt onto the lower pulley. Being the cam gear is adjustable, rotate the cam gear without moving the cam. This can be
done that the marks on the cam gear will read "retard" or
"advance". (this will only allow for partial cam gear
adjustment because the gear was already moved)
3. If the cam gear is turned to get the belt to be installed
onto the gear properly, whic direction should the gear be
rotated? ( if the cam gear is already showing advanced 5
degrees then when tuning the cam gear can only be
moved 5 degrees more, as opposed to 10 degrees
retarted either direction.
I should mention I'm using Zex 59300 cam, SRP 9:1, Soopertech valvetrain milled head and decked block. Z6 oem gasket Z6 block and head