ill give you one break since you are mexican.
oil, pieces of car(s), guard rails, etc... anything you can imagine.
do you think you should be fined 500 dollars for not completely stopping at a right turn?
you're only responsible for 5k of 50k? are you happy that other people paid for it? do you think that is fair? do you think that system will last when everyone is using 50k and paying 5k?
i have a job, and full benefits... lmao...
those laws are retarded, just like you, and like the shit hole state that people like you have ruined (liberals/socialists/communists/retards/etc...)
So tell me them who should pay for cleaning up all that shit you mentioned after an accident? Should we just leave it there? Will it just disappear?
Ok, so how many accidents a year could you avoid by having the fear, reminding stupid motherfuckers to stop when making a right turn on red, and look for on coming traffic? Do you even give a shit about other drivers? Or are you the fucking idiot that makes a turn on red, never even noticing that the on coming traffic has a green left arrow......"oh, my bad!"
Do you have any idea how insurance works? Who am I sticking with the $50K bill? The other members of my insurance company? Isn't that how insurance works? So should I be mad because I have been paying for car insurance since I was 18 and have never had an accident? Should I be mad at my neighbor when he files a claim?'re so full of shit. Do you even know how the insurance system works?
You need to drink some Drano because all that shit is clogging your fucking brain, kid.