this is the jig i made out of some mechanical wire to help keep my cuts straight. i just marked the tube off .75inches on the long side and tried to keep my short end as small as possible (the goal being to get a 4inch 90 with a 2inch center line.. and it came out pretty decent but not perfect)
mid way progress
a little more done... some tacks in place
after numerous hours of test fitting.. all tacked.
i got lost and forgot to take some pics (due to test fitting shit 5 million times) but this was what i had next time i picked up a camera.
preheating the cast flange. work with what u got.
welded, but wrapped to slow cooling.
badda-fucking-bing badda-fucking-boom. angle grinder and mig for the win. fabbed up the manifold last summer...
inside peek
and fuck you. :yes: