Isn't this the same thread you started a couple years ago, only she wouldn't get a job or do the laundry before she got pregnant?
The hard truth here, bro, is she's probably never going to get a job, and conspire daily to spend your only $200 every month on whatever she wants, and then probably have a third kid you can't afford. You NEED to realize this is who she is. And then accept it, because the relationship has lasted for years and a couple kids deep, so it obviously works for you on some level.
Take charge of your finances. Downgrade vehicles if you've got new shit. Exercise thrift and self denial on some things. Have her sit down with you over the monthly bills so she sees the way money goes through the house. Tell her you need her help to get ahead so that you BOTH have an easy retirement, as well as yearly vacations and god help you a date night every week or three away from the kids.