Cutting planned parenthood -- who cares? Just because he wants to cut student loans doesn't mean he doesn't want people to learn. I think if a state legalized abortion, Ron Paul would be the only president to allow it to happen. I saw something the other day about some woman that had x number of blind kids, x number of deaf, x with other problems, etc, and it asked if she shouldn't be allowed to produce more children -- then ended saying after those failures she produced Beethoven. It's intent was to stray you from supporting abortion, but where it fails is listing the other 8 children that didn't amount to anything special. People die all the day that could have been awesome, if they didn't die. If they do die, well you'll never know what awesomeness they were capable of to bitch about it
I'd rather women have the right to abort their baby if they don't think they can care for it properly or don't want it. Obviously the ideal thing would be to not get pregnant in the first place, but to believe they'll be a good parent if they didn't want it in the first place is stupid, yo.
People also have this retarded idea that people have "souls." There's no fucking soul, just an amazingly complex biological processor. If souls existed, neurological disorders wouldn't
Once you have those 46 chromosomes combined you have the same right as any other human inside or outside the vag. Killing a person is killing a person, inside or outside a pink taco.
Meh. Sure,
technically you're killing a person, but it's not the exact same. Post-uterus people develop relationships with others, become self-aware, and become part of society... A fetus has no idea it exists, and I don't think snuffing it is any worse than rubbing one out. I repeat: when parents want to abort, they typically either don't want the baby, or don't have the means to properly care for it. In either case, the child most likely will not live an easy life. Also: THERE ARE TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE ALREADY. I hate to break it to you, but it's inevitable there will eventually be either mass starvation or mandated birth control of some sort -- we don't have limitless resources.
As far as his religious stance: while I'd like for him to be on the side of atheism -- who gives a fuck? Are there any other candidates that aren't associated with a religion? As JD said, he doesn't shove it down anyone's throat, and I have never seen him even mention religion unless he's specifically asked about it. Even when asked, he doesn't seem to feel it's relevant or that he even wants to discuss it. Some people have "faith" that's so strong, they are able to deny science. As long as it doesn't interfere with his politics, I'm not too worried, and even if it does, I'm sure it'd be to a much lesser degree than the other candidates.
Student loans? I vaguely remember him saying he wouldn't immediately cut it off, just like the other cuts would be primarily through attrition. Whatever the case, IT NEEDS TO GO.
Whoever voted for anyone but RP, you
must be trollin'