i bought this truck that some fuckin mexican or chinese person installed a remote start/alarm in it and must of fucked it up because there was a 120v house switch and another switch wired in to bypass some shit
they were wired to a 10ga or 12ga 2pin harness with white wires near the batt. that i think go to the starter and alternator or somthing
when i bought it, they had just put a fresh battery in the fucker so it ran fine for 2 days, then i find out the alternator is not charging. pul it out have it tested it shows nothing once then fails a second time.
replace it. charged the now almost dead batt. un-installed the alarm and double check wires under the dash/ign harness are ok and they look fine now. now somthing to do with those 2 heavy gauge white wires under the hood is still a problem i think. i took the switches out when i took the alarm out, and re-connected the wires under the hood where they orginally go
now, when i start the car, it fuckin grinds like your holding the key to start. and somthing is slowly draining the batt even when its not running.
disconnected one set of white wires stops the drain, and disconnecting the other or some combination stops the grinding. but its only charging at barely 13 volts. not 13.8+
im thinking somthing is fucked in the alternator and or starter wiring from the fucked remote start install, starter relay sticking or fucked? i just replaced the alternator so i know its pluged in and the power wire is connected
also it did this wierd shit before i took the alarm out, i just wanted to get rid of that to elminate other shit i might not of seen.
short story: some
cut two larger gauge white wires under the hood near the batt that probly go to the starter and maybe alternator, spliced in a switch on each one for whatever reason, i took switched out and reconnect them where they obvoiusly go (the two wires were cut differnt sides of 2P plug) it will start with either of them connected or not, but with connected it grinds and with the other it has a slow drain, but either way wont charge more then 13.1v