Johnny, your poorly backed and structured arguments are distracting me from my work and thus resulting in me wasting all the money that the government stole from you.
How do you figure government made monopolies? It is the government that breaks up monopolies. Monopolies are formed by greedy individuals seeking greater wealth and power and control over others, the nemesis of freedom. Let's say that our current state living could magically go one without government. What would keep enormous corporations from swallowing most of the smaller ones? And controlling the media (which they mostly do already anyway) to keep you uninformed and ignorant of what is happening? What keeps the companies from exploiting workers, from exploiting our natural resources, and destroying the environment? Stripping the common man of basic rights (granted by our former government) such as to clean air and water, all in the name of profit. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Maybe in your ideal world of 1780, when population density was low and there was still open land to be had you wouldn't have to worry about these things as much, but surprise, theres 6.5 billion people on the planet now, and that number is still going up. They all want their little piece of happiness, and they'd love to take it from you Johnny. Government keeps them from doing it.