To Rick:
You my friend are a seriously fucked up individual. I made a website to give people an alternative to your shitty website. Some like it better here, some like your website. Why are you pulling all of this bullshit? If you think you're some super-hacker, you're not. Pulling passwords out of a database (MD5 aint shit) and forwarding email. Wow, thats really fancy. What are you gonna do next? Ping me? You couldnt have thought of a better email address to forward my email to? Did you just think I wouldn't figure it out?
If I were that type of individual I could have done the same shit to you. Have I tried? Obviously not. I'm not a low-life criminal like you are.
Now my wife is freaking out about our online bank accounts, worried that some computer nerd in Canada is going to hijack our money.
You've obviously downloaded all of my email for the past 5-6 years . Are you out of your fucking gourd? What kind of demented person does that? Do you cut off people's faces and wear them as masks too?
I let this shit die a long time ago but for some fucking reason you just keep on. This website isn't even MINE anymore.
Take a step back and look at what you're doing. You're acting like a goddamn CHILD.