Hah surprisingly enough, there's some decent advice mixed in this thread. I've been fucking broke as a joke for the last couple years, since I got out of tech school actually... Funny how that works. Anyways, I know one of the hardest things to do at first was cut daily spending. You don't need a kitkat bar and a red bull every day. Drink fucking water, it's better for you. And I mean tap water, not the shit bottled they charge you to pollute the fucking earth with. Go to the dollar store once a week, you may be surprised the kinds of every-day things they have there for 50% of safeways and such (hot sauce, ketchup, corned beef hash, vienna sausages). If you live a ways from everywhere like I do, plan your trips in to town carefully, instead of running around every which direction like a damn decapitated turkey. Short of that, mooch off friends and family members, or one of ya'll needs a night job - better practice your pole dancing skillz.